4 | gift baskets and grand speeches

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i've gotten good at stretching the truth out of shape...

i've gotten good at stretching the truth out of shape

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"His father is a death eater," Harry pointed out, throwing his hands out for emphasis, "It only makes sense." Harry, Hermione and Ron had found their compartment immediately. The group set about trying to figure out what exactly Ophelia and Narcissa had been talking about because Ophelia wouldn't say a word once the Malfoy's had walked away. Harry, of course, took this opportunity to raise the theory that Draco was a Death Eater.

Ron and Hermione shared a look. Harry frowned, unable to decipher the unspoken words between his two friends. That is until Hermione spoke, "So Violet is one too?"

Harry stared at her for a moment, trying his best to remain calm. By the way her eyes flickered up, he knew his hair was more than likely a potent red, darker and bolder than that of a Weasley. "Why does everyone keep saying that?" he demanded and his friends looked hesitant.

"Harry-" Ron tried, but rather than allowing him to speak, Harry stood up suddenly. He didn't know what his plan was but he knew that if he stayed in here, he'd say something he would certainly regret.

He looked between his friends, taking a steady breath, "I need some air." He turned quickly, ignoring their calls after him as he slid the door closed behind him. Harry hadn't realized he had been holding his breath and he exhaled slowly, his anger slowing to a simmer. He contemplated going back, turning to face the door. He could see them leaning towards each other, clearly talking in hushed tones. Talking about him.

Harry turned to walk away, but immediately rammed into somebody. He immediately started spewing out apologies, reaching forward and pulling whoever it was towards him. "I am so sorry," he apologized, shaking his head. "I didn't realize anyone-" the sentence died in his throat as he focused long enough to see who it was. "Violet," he said breathily, looking her over. He frowned, "Are you okay?"

"What?" she asked, shaking her head slightly. She appeared a bit disheveled and maybe a bit out of breath. As though she had been running from something. He even looked behind her - just in case - but there was nothing and nobody there. "Oh, sorry. Yes, I'm alright."

His eyebrows pinched together slightly, "Are you sure?"

She looked as though she were about to run away from him, as she normally would, but then she stopped. "You know what, actually..." she trailed off, "I wanted to apologize...for - for my family."

Harry nodded in understanding but he found it completely unnecessary. She hadn't done anything and she certainly didn't need to be the one to apologize, "You don't need to apologize."

"Yeah, I do," she countered and he wanted to laugh but it truly wasn't the time. "They can be callous and cruel and-"

"Violet," he interrupted gently, "You never have to apologize to me, okay?"

Hey Violet | H. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now