5 | motorcycles and love potions

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there's things i wanna say to you but i'll just let you live...

there's things i wanna say to you but i'll just let you live

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V I O L E T T A  M A L F O Y

The week leading up to the start of classes had been interesting, to say the least. Emery didn't seem to waver in her friendship with Violet and eventually the girl relented, allowing Emery to get what she wanted. And, of course, where Emery was, so was Luna and Mila. They were all very kind and genuine people, talking about random things that Violet was certain was considered normal for teenage girls to discuss but had never been a part of before. And Merlin above, she liked it.

The worst part of all of this is that people seemed to notice. Violet was either invisible to all or always under everyone's careful watch, there was never an in between for her. The letter from Narcissa came three days after the arrival at Hogwarts. Violet stared at the letter, a sense of fear washing over. She found herself looking around the room, as though her mother would pop out of nowhere and scold her for being such a nuisance.

"Luna," a voice spoke, and Violet was quick to tuck the letter out of sight. Last thing she needed was for anyone to see it. "Here, Hedwig delivered it to me," Harry told her and Violet looked up to find him handing her the mail that was meant for her. He greeted Emery and Mila, as though it were a habit but when his sight landed on her, he faltered. "Violet?"

She felt her face burn up at the attention. Merlin, was it really that unfathomable that she had friends? Or even simply that she'd sit with someone while eating? She resisted the urge to get up and run away, hoping to erase this interaction from existence. Maybe she could practice her Occlumency on him, she had gotten much better. The two stared at each other for a while, neither of them saying anything and they probably wouldn't have had Mila not spoken up, "Do you need something else, Potter?"

"What?" he said, his head snapping in her direction. "No, I wasn't-"

"Then run along," she suggested and Harry rolled his eyes at this. It was clear that they had a rather playful dynamic. She waved her hand towards the other end of the table, "I'm sure that fan club of yours misses you."

"I don't have a fan club," Harry insisted, standing up straight. He turned to Luna, "Make sure you reply to Dad, you know how he gets." She nodded in agreement and Harry turned to Violet once more, "Good morning, Violet."

"Past the shock, are you?" Violet asked in response, her irritation bleeding through. His hair turned to a faint pink color but he seemed to catch it, focusing enough to get it back to the normal chocolaty brown. "I have to eat too, you know."

"That's-" he cut himself off, the pink showing on his face this time. He shook his head slightly, "I just...I wasn't prepared to see you, is all."

Violet leaned forward at this, resting her chin in her hand. "Prepared?" she inquired, her lip lifted upward, "Do you have a ritual you follow before you see me? Positive affirmations?" She held her hands up, crossing her fingers like you would when wishing for something, "Today is the day she says yes. Today is the day she says yes." Emery laughed from beside her but quickly covered her mouth. "Too bad, today could have been the day too. Try again tomorrow."

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