2 | group hugs and broken glass

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and if i was honest, you remind me of all the gentle things in life...

and if i was honest, you remind me of all the gentle things in life

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H A R R Y  P O T T E R

Harry felt nervous the whole way home, his senses heightened even in the dead silence of the group. Of course, Remus and Sirius came with them, bringing Emery in their tow. Harry liked Emery, though the girl was rather quiet. He didn't know much about her other than the fact that she was a werewolf from America. Sirius said to give her time to open up, so he did. She talked a bit more, though she would never start a conversation on her own. She was kind, sending him what was certainly meant to be a comforting smile when she caught his eye. She stayed toward the back as they approached the house, walking with Luna.

The two seemed to get along quite well, and Harry almost envied it. What was it that Luna had that Harry didn't? Harry knew that Luna had a sort of gentleness to her that was more approachable and that he was a bit...well, a bit angry, at times but he couldn't help it. He tried to be nice, no matter what, but sometimes the anger consumed him and he would black out. That's what led to him beating up Draco. Did he regret it? Not really. Was he sorry? Not even a little bit. Did he hate that it happened in front of Violet?

Yes, yes he did.

And it was so stupid. He knew this. Yet he did it anyway. He was an expert at making the worst decisions in any given situation. But Harry saw how Draco was treating Violet and it was over. He lost all sense of reason, and he hardly remembered what he did at all. He could remember the look on Violet's face and it was heart wrenching. The fear in her eyes was seared to his mind, like someone had burned it to his forehead, forcing him to watch the consequences of his own stupid decisions.

As soon as the door closed behind Emery, Sirius spoke up, his voice curt and so un-Sirius like, Harry was now more scared than before, "Emery, Luna, if you don't mind, find something to do in Luna's room." The two nodded, shooting a worried look in Harry's direction before Luna took Emery's hand and led her to her room. Harry felt his heart beat rapidly in his chest, both from the envy he felt toward their bond and the fear from the adult's who would no doubt start yelling at him the second the door closed. The moment they heard the click that indicated they were tucked away, Harry turned, waiting to be scolded. Instead, much to his surprise, Sirius broke out in a grin, "That was bloody brilliant, Harry! I didn't know you had it in you."

Remus elbowed him in the side, though he was fighting back a smile himself. Harry looked between them in confusion, his gaze landing on his parents, waiting for their response. It was another beat before they spoke. "He deserved it?" Ophelia asked, her arms crossed over his chest.

"Er," Harry began. Had he deserved it? In his eyes, yes, but maybe his reasoning wouldn't have been enough for his parents. "Mostly?"

James and Ophelia shared a knowing look before speaking in unison, "Violet."

"Hey!" he exclaimed, his hand held up in defense. Was he really that transparent that his parents could read him with such ease? "You should have heard how he was talking to her! He treated her as though she were - as though she were nothing!" His anger was getting the better of him and he knew it, and yet- "Merlin, he deserved it. Don't ask me to apologize, because I won't. I don't care what you have to say about that." He turned to look at James who was watching him tentatively, as though he were measuring the boy with a simple look, "You said it yourself, dad! Women aren't there for our disposal - the way he talked to her, it was - well, it was disrespectful! I would do it again and I would do it for anyone, not just Violet."

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