6 | sirius's grief and quidditch try-outs

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am I walking towards something i should be running away from...

am I walking towards something i should be running away from

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"Draco!" Violet called out, jogging to catch up to him. He was gone as soon as the class was dismissed and Violet hadn't even finished packing her stuff up before he left. Her plan had been easy, get through History of Magic and then talk to him before Herbology. But she had been so distracted by trying to figure out what was going on inside his head that she forgot she had planned to talk to him.

She planted herself next to him - despite his vehement protest - and he went to move but there were no other seats available. Professor Lupin stared the boy down - not even having to mutter a word - when he attempted to pay attention to the lecture standing up. Draco reluctantly took a seat, pushing his chair as far away from Violet as he could. As though her proximity to him was so distasteful. She scoffed, muttering under her breath, "You're ridiculous." He said nothing in return.

It was surprising enough that the class was full but the reason behind this became glaringly obvious as the girls' whispers around them became more prominent. "Merlin, he's so hot," they said and Violet turned around in confusion to find the two girls behind her whispering - Cho Chang and Lavender Brown - she raised an eyebrow at their words but she wasn't entirely sure as to who they were talking about. She looked around to find that the majority of the girls were staring at Professor Lupin. The only one who looked as confused as she did was Emery. The boys, of course, didn't notice.

Emery caught Violet's eye and she mouthed, 'What's happening?' Violet looked around and she could hear Lavender speak, "The scars? Imagine what he looks like without a shirt." Cho giggled in response and Violet snorted. She was quick to cover her mouth, her outburst drawing attention to herself.

"What is your problem?" Draco snarled, his irritation growing quickly.

"Sorry, I'm sorry," she apologized, clearing her throat. And she was, at least a bit but she was still surprised that he hadn't noticed what she had.

Professor Remus seemed to be picking up on whatever was being whispered throughout the room and he stopped his lecture, turning to face the classroom. "Is there something more interesting happening right now that someone wants to fill me in on?" Violet couldn't help but bust out laughing, her lack of stature that her mother always pestered her about more prominent than ever. "Miss Malfoy?"

Violet grimaced, though, the lingering laughter was still tight in her chest. She cleared her throat again and she could see all the eyes on her, some of the girls looking more nervous than others. "I can't speak for anyone else but I just found the subject matter unbelievably fascinating," she explained to him, sitting up straighter in her chair, "You're a much more...engaging teacher than Professor Binns ever was."

There was a murmur of agreement and Professor Lupin looked around, taking in the room. He looked back at Violet who couldn't help the smile that graced her face and then over at his daughter who looked so innocently lost that Violet almost laughed again. He cleared his throat, turning back to the board as he spoke, "Right."

Hey Violet | H. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now