3 | accusations and tarot cards

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there will be moments in which you bloom fully and then wilt...

there will be moments in which you bloom fully and then wilt

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"Listen, Sirius," Harry began, his hands waving around like a mad man. Sirius watched in both amusement and curiosity as he spoke, his words settling within him. He turned them over, analyzing them carefully, "I'm telling you! He has to be a Death Eater. He's up to something, I know it!"

Sirius tilted his head to the side as they walked together. They had just arrived at Platform 9 ¾ and were on their way to drop the kids off at the train. Sirius and Remus were nervous about leaving Emery for the first time since adopting her but both Harry and Luna swore to protect her. Hermione said she'd look out for her as well, given that they would be rooming together. Over the summer, Sirius and Remus had taken Emery to Dumbledore and she got sorted ahead of time so as to not draw attention to her arrival. They sorted out the details of the full moon, and Ophelia, Remus, Sirius and James would be there every turn. Dumbledore started to protest but none of them would have it so he conceded.

"And Violetta?" Sirius asked curiously. It only seemed logical to assume that if Draco was a Death Eater, then his 'twin' sister was one too. Harry's eyes widened significantly, as though the words were a direct blow to his stomach. The older man raised a hand, "Don't give me that look. My line of thought is unobstructed, whereas you have a bias."

"Wouldn't you have a bias more so than I do?" he huffed, irritation radiating off of his body. James and Ophelia glanced back at them and Sirius shot them a knowing look to which they smiled. "He's your cousin!"

"Cousin once removed," Sirius corrected, ensuring to cement the disconnect within the boy. "And I was disowned, which means the only relation I have to them is through blood." Harry rolled his eyes at this and Sirius stopped, turning to look him in the eyes. The two stayed behind as the group continued. "Harry...the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. You don't know that Violet isn't one anymore than you would know if Draco was. You can't...your perspective is skewed here, do you understand? In order to fully observe a situation, you need to confront it level headed and without preconceived notions." Harry nodded slowly, taking in his words, "But I'll look into it."

Harry lit up at this, "You will?"

"Yes," he said, his hands behind his back, "But you need to promise not to do anything stupid."

"I can't promise," he admitted and Sirius let out a laugh, raising his hand to his godson's back. "But I can try." Harry reached forward, wrapping his arms around the man's waist, "Thank you, Sirius."

"Anytime, Harry," he told him before they parted and made haste to reach the group.


Violet followed behind her family as she always did, her nerves getting the best of her. Ever since the incident in Diagon Alley, her family had been cold and silent towards her. Including Draco, who - even when he was a complete dick - would always try to talk to her. But he seemed to have other things going on. She had been iced out, isolated from her family. The urge to run, and just board the train on her own was strong, but she refrained. She didn't need to feel more isolated than she already had by putting more of a wedge between her parents and herself.

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