•Chapter Nineteen•

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I'm back! I'm sad, because I was told that I most likely tore my ACL, which means I'm out of softball for the rest of the season, and my sophomore year I'll miss skiing, volleyball and half my other season.
MRI tmr, wish mr luck!
I'm the mean time, here's another chapter!!


The sun had just set and the only light being provided on the late night streets, was from the street lights lining the sidewalk. You stood outside of the New York Times building, a soft breeze biting at your cheeks while you looked down at your watch.


You tapped your foot, waiting for Haden Olli to appear, as he said he would. And then you saw him hustling down the street.

Waving in his direction, you catch his eye. "Mr. Olli! Hey!"

"Y/n! I'm so sorry for the odd scheduling, but, well..."

"Don't worry about it." You say softly, stepping out of the way to allow him access to the locked doors of the building. "Shall we?"

Something in Hayden's expression changes. Upon receiving no response from the man, you tilt your head, watching him adjust the cuffs of his expensive tux.


"In a situation such as my own, I'd be prompted to apologize." He finally speaks, his smile suddenly making you uneasy.

A shout is ripped from your throat when a pair of strong arms wrap around you from behind. You tried to call out once more, but it was muffled by your captor's gloved hand.

"But thing is..." Hayden continues, his eyes locking onto an approaching black sedan.

Your body squirmed against the person behind you, but you couldn't see who they were. Hayden only watched, three or four masked men appearing at his side.

These weren't just masked men. These were foot soldiers. The sight of these men made your heart beat faster and your body squirm more.

"I'm not sorry." Hayden finishes, grinning while you were tossed into the black sedan, helplessly watching as the door slammed shut and you were restrained to the seats.

With the foot soldier's hand finally off your mouth, cry out. "LET ME GO! SOMEBODY! HEY!"

"Shut the hell up." Hayden growls, reaching his hand into your pocket and ripping away your cell phone. He tosses it out the window before nodding to the driver.

"Why are you doing this?" You pant, speaking to distract yourself from the cold metal pressed against your side.

A gun. A gun. That is a fucking gun.

"For my father." He hisses, looking down at the watch on his wrist. "Eric Sacs."

April was right. There was something off about this guy, she'd seen right through him. And you....yelled at her. And fought her and insulted her and...

Oh god.

"April was right...you were following her...weren't you?" You whisper fearfully, already knowing the answer to your own question.

"Of course I was. I'd been following you and your sister weeks before I even called you. I'd followed your little mutant friends too." He says casually, as if the things he was telling you weren't serious. "I needed to know your routine."

"That's so fucking creepy." You whisper to yourself.

A heavy silence engulfs the vehicle, and you decide to leave it. You wanted to know what he planned on doing to you. Why he'd taken you. But you were too afraid of the answer.

However, another question stayed at the forefront of your mind.

Would Leo be able to save me?


Leonardo's POV:

I had Donnie look into Hayden Olli, and he checked out. Mostly. There were a few holes, but the red flags weren't too bad.

And I couldn't shake the happiness I felt when I watched Y/n talk about her interview. She smiled so big and her eyes lit up. She was excited, and I barely had a reason to ruin that.

"What troubles you, my son?" Master Splinter's voice cuts me from my thoughts.

We were sat in the dojo, meditating. Well, I was trying to. I was thinking too hard, and couldn't clear my mind.


"What about her?" Splinter inquires.

I sigh, adjusting my body so I was out of the mediation position. "April and Casey have this odd feeling about Y/n's soon-to-be-new boss. He checks out, but there was a few...holes...in his background."

"How do you feel about it?"

I run a hand down my face. "I don't know. It feels odd, but Y/n is so excited and I don't want to overreact."

"Leonardo, if you feel-"

Splinter is cut off by the sound of Aprils voice echoing through the lair. "Donnie, what do you mean Y/n isn't here?!"

My heart begins to pound as I hurry into the lounge area, finding Donnie stuttering back at April. "I-I don't know! She hasn't-we haven't seen her since you dropped her off."

"It's nine! She should be done by now!" April whines, her voice rising in panic. "She'd said she'd come right back to the apartment! I don't..I-I didn't-"

"April relax. I'm sure there's a good reason why she's....missing..." Casey tries to soothe April, only to become doubtful by the end of his own statement.

"I'll track her phone." Donnie says, keeping eye contact with me. My chest was tight and my palms were sweaty. What if something really was wrong?

Donnie rushes over to his computer, hitting a few buttons before a white pinging dot appeared on the screen.
"She seems to be right outside the New York Times building." My brother informs.

"What's all the ruckus?" Raph interjects, joining the conversation as he came into the room with Mikey at his side. "Where's Y/n?"

I tighten my lips and look at my team. "We're about to find out."


Word count: 1004

I AM VERH SORRY FOR THE SHORTER CHAPTERRRR! But also...I am wondering if you liked it?
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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