Chapter 13

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Nika was at Kanye's studio waiting for him so that they could do their rehearsal when she saw March entering the room. They both became awkward because of what happened the day before.

Nika - (He was talking with Tatiana and they were really touchy. How can he be so close to someone who wants to ruin my life?)

March started the conversation.

March - Oh, our new princess came back for a new session!

Nika - Yes...

March noticed something was off.

March - Are you okay?

Nika - Don't worry about me, I'm fine.

March nodded his head awkwardly. He noticed that she was distant. They usually joke together.

March - Is it becau...

Nika - I'm going to the bathroom.

She went out of the studio, ignoring him.

Nika - (I know this is childish, but I feel really uncomfortable being in the same room as him. I confessed to Celine that I liked him, and the next day, he's flirting with my opponent. I don't know if I can trust him.)

After writing raps with Kanye, she went back home and decided to text Elijah.

Nika - Hey Eli!

Elijah answered.

Elijah - Eli? Where does that come from?

Nika - I don't know, it's cute and it suits you!

Elijah - Oh... Well, thank you! So did you go to Kanye's studio?

Nika - Yes, I owe him big time, every time I get so much better at rapping.

Elijah - Cool! Would it bother you if I asked you for a private concert so you could show me your rap skills?

Nika - Of course, I'm available tomorrow. I can even teach you some basic things he taught me.

Elijah - I'd be honored.

Nika - So, tomorrow?

Elijah - Tomorrow. Can't wait to see you.

Nika blushed.

Nika - (I like him so much.)

The next day, they finally met. They first went to play bowling, Nika won. Then they stopped for some ice creams.

Elijah - I can't believe you beat me!

Nika - Well, yes! I'm a very competitive person.

Elijah - That's what I've noticed. You can rap, you can sing, you can write, and you even play bowling like a pro. You're so talented, I need you to teach me everything!

Nika - Of course, everything you want.

They laughed while looking at each other.

Nika - I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day, I promise that I'm not using you. I really like you.

Elijah - Don't worry, I'm over it now. And I'm the one who should apologize, I overreacted.

He held her hands.

Elijah - Do you want to know why I acted like this?

Nika - Tell me.

Elijah - I was jealous. Nika, I can't stop thinking about you. That day, I wanted to tell you something but March came in and it really threw me off. That's why I was mad. But what I wanted to say the other day is that I love you.

Nika slowly started smiling.

Nika - (He loves me...?)

Elijah - Nika, please say something.

Nika - When we met for the first time, I never felt this comfortable before. You're funny and everything, but you're such a kind soul. All I can say is that... I love you too.

Without any hesitation, Elijah grabbed her waist and kissed her. She kissed him back. They stayed like this for a while, in each other's arms. After this kiss, they kept spending time together.

It was 10 PM and Nika was back home. She called Celine.

Nika - Girl! I have to tell you something!

Celine - What, you're scaring me.

Nika - Elijah and I kissed! We are dating!

Celine sighed.

Celine - And I was right to be scared...

Nika - Wait, you're not happy for me?

Celine - Yes, I am! But you already know that I really don't like this guy.

Nika - I get it, but he's really kind to me.

Celine - Did you already forget what he did to you?

Nika - We talked about this and apologized.

Celine - Mmh... I'm still team March but I'm happy for you then. If he makes you sad, call me immediately!

Nika laughed.

Nika - Of course.

They talked for a while then they both went to sleep.

After weeks, Nika came back to her job. After working for 2 hours, she finally got a break. She went outside to eat. She saw March and he was approaching her with a big smile on his face.

March - You're finally on break!

Nika - You... you were waiting for me outside?

March - You're asking too many questions!

Nika - Why are you in such a good mood?

March - Well...

He came closer to her, blushing.

March - I thought about this all night and I wanted to ask you if you were down for a date...?

March was nervous.

Nika - I'm sorry... I can't. I have a boyfriend...

March's smile faded away and he avoided her look.

March - Oh, Ok... Got it.

He let out a bitter laugh.

March - I guess I was stupid to ask you, these past few days you were acting very weird and you keep ignoring me. But I got it. I won't bother you.

Nika - March, wait...

He left without turning back.

Nika - (Why does it feel like my heart is going to break...?)

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