Chapter 6

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Nika woke up to a text message from Elijah.

Elijah - Maybe you think it's too early, but it could be nice to see each other in person.

Nika - (We've been talking for 2 weeks now, and I really enjoy our conversations. He's such a smart person and very open-minded. And he still hasn't mentioned Nicki's name, which makes me happy. He's the only person besides Celine who doesn't treat me as if I were Nicki's shadow.) I really want to see you.

He responded quickly.

Elijah - Cool, so today at 8 P.M?

Nika - No problem, I can't wait to see you.

Nika threw her phone to the other side of the bed and started blushing.

Nika - (I'm finally going to meet him!)

Celine entered her room.

Celine - Hello, girl!

Nika - Girl, I'm so happy to see you!

Celine - What happened?!

Nika - I'm having a date in two hours!

Celine - No, really!?

They jumped and hugged each other.

Nika - Yes!

Celine - Okay, I'm going to help you. I know exactly what you can wear!

While Celine was helping Nika dress up, they talked.

Nika - Do you know why this rap contest still hasn't given us a date for the next "auditions"?

Celine - Be patient, 500 girls auditioned the first time, they are still picking the top 50. That's why it's taking a lot of time.

Nika - Yes, you're right. (It's been 2 weeks since I've been practicing at Kanye's house. His son wasn't home, so everything happened smoothly. And I keep getting better thanks to him.)

Celine - But don't think about this now, you have a date today!

Once they were done, Nika looked at herself in the mirror and was satisfied.

Nika - Celine, I want you to be my personal stylist forever. This look is everything.

Celine - Count on me, girl. I will never let you down.

They talked for awhile, and when it was time, Nika said goodbye to Celine and left the house. They had a date in a fancy restaurant. She entered the restaurant and saw him sitting at a table far away from her. He was a little shy, which she found cute. She then joined him, and he became red when he saw her.

Nika - Hello..!

Elijah - Hey, how are you..?

Nika - I'm fine, how about you?

Elijah - I'm happy to finally meet you.

Nika - Me too.

Nika blushed and laughed awkwardly.

Elijah - You're really pretty.

Nika - Thank you, you're also very cute.

Elijah - I know, this is what you kept saying when we were texting. I'm kidding, thank you!

Nika laughed while nodding her head.

They asked for their meals, and it came in a few minutes. They started to eat.

Elijah - Did you have many dates in the past?

Nika - Not really, I think I had 2 dates, and this one is the third one, but that's it.

Elijah - That's definitely more than me!

Nika - Is that true?

Elijah - Yeah, you're my first date.

Nika - Oh, really?

She blushed.

Elijah - Yes, I'm not really used to having dates. I started using dating apps last month. I talked to a couple of girls, but it wasn't really clicking. Then I found you.

He looked at her with a cute smile on his face. Her heart pounded.

Nika - I'm flattered. Personally, all my dates were with some guys in high school. All of them turned out to be terrible, so I decided to slow down with the dating apps.

Elijah - I understand. It's true that it's more enjoyable to have dates with mature people.

Nika - Yes, it's kind of a breath of fresh air.

They kept talking until finishing their meals. Elijah paid, and then they both left the restaurant.

Elijah - I had a really good time, thank you.

Nika - I was looking forward to this moment for so long. I'm happy we had time to spend together.

Since it was already night, Elijah did not let Nika go back home alone and went with her.

Nika - (He's such a sweetheart. I saw that he was worried about leaving me alone at night.)

Once they arrived, they said goodbye to each other, and she went back home.

Nika - (This was the best date I've had in a long time. I think I'm falling for Elijah.)

She then received a text message.

"Sorry to tell you that you're no longer part of the top 50 of the competition."

Nika - (WHAT!?)

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