Chapter 14

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It's finally the next round of "Who's the princess?" and Nika is waiting for her turn backstage.

Nika - (The stylist and makeup artists really surpassed themselves. I never looked prettier. And this outfit is just gorgeous.)

She received a sweet message from Elijah.

"I couldn't make it today but I know you're going to be great on stage. You worked so hard for it. I love you, princess."

This message made Nika melt.

Nika - (He's so sweet and supportive. I couldn't dream of a better boyfriend.)

This thought made her think of March.

Nika - (Our last conversation ended so badly. I really felt like he hated me. Shit, now I feel bad again.)

Her confidence decreased.

It's finally her turn. She goes on stage and starts rapping with confidence. But mid-performance, her confidence starts decreasing again and it feels like she's not really feeling the lyrics, which affects her performance in a negative way. She forgets some lyrics but keeps calm and starts freestyling. After her performance, the audience didn't cheer like they usually do. They cheered for her, but were confused about this performance. All 30 performers come on stage. The judges started choosing the 20 finalists, Nika's name wasn't announced in the Top 20 yet. At this moment, Nika was stressing.

Nika - (What? They normally always say my name first.. Are they going to eliminate me? Fuck, Fuck! I messed up!)

15 contestants were chosen but Nika wasn't, there were only 5 girls left. Thankfully, Nika was announced as one of the finalists, but she was the 20th announced. She was happy but still disappointed. She came back backstage, and her dad hugged her to cheer her up. Everyone was there, except March. She noticed it.

Nika - (And on top of that, he hates me. He doesn't want to support me anymore.)

Dad - What happened, sweetheart? This performance didn't look like you.

Nika - Maybe I was tired. I was so scared to get eliminated, Dad.

Dad - It's okay. But you know that means you will have to practice more.

Nika - Yes, I know.

Dad - I'll be waiting for you in the car.

Her dad left, and she went to the dressing room to remove her makeup. Celine joined her and then closed the door behind them.

Celine - How are you doing?

Nika - Yes, I was tired, that's why everything went wrong.

Celine approached her and put her hand on Nika's shoulder.

Celine - Don't lie to me. I'm your best friend.

Nika turned around and faced Celine.

Nika - March. March hates me, and this made me sad, and that's why I messed up.

(Nika threw the lipstick she was holding on the ground.)

Celine - March? Why are you saying that?

(Nika explained to her what happened between them.)

Celine - Oh, so that's why he didn't come to see you. I'm sorry.

Once Nika removed all her makeup, they all went back home.

The next day, Celine went to Kanye's house alone. She wanted to talk to him about Nika. She stopped walking as she saw March and Tatiana kissing. She was shocked, she couldn't believe it. She took a picture and left without being noticed.

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