Chapter 7

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Nika woke up and called Celine to talk about her date.

Celine - So, how was the date!? I want to know!

Nika - We went to a restaurant and got to know each other better.

Celine - Oh, that's it?

Nika - It was our first date, we'll do more next time. But I still had a great time with Elijah.

Celine - How is he?

Nika - He's so handsome. But not only that, he was so kind and nice, he's such a shy boy too. He's very smart and mature. I really enjoy the conversations we have.

Celine - Um, with the way you describe him, he must be such a boring person.

Nika rolled her eyes.

Nika - Don't say that! He's perfect, it's not because he's not a bad boy that he's boring.

Celine - Whatever, it's your man after all, not mine.

They kept talking, then Nika told her about the message she received.

Celine - This is weird! Don't they eliminate people through phone calls?

Nika - I don't know, but when they told me that I made it to the top 50, they called my dad, so I don't understand. What if I'm really eliminated? So I made all that effort for nothing?

Celine - No, listen. Talk about it with your dad first and then we'll see what happens next.

Nika agreed, hung up, and went to see her dad to talk about it.

Dad - Why would they even eliminate you if you already made it?

Nika - Maybe they changed their minds, my performance was terrible after all, maybe they found someone better.

Dad - Don't say that, you know it's not true.

Nika - So Kanye won't train me anymore?

Dad - I think we should talk to him about this situation.

Nika - (Can't believe I'm not in the competition anymore..)

They prepared and went to Kanye's house, he welcomed them.

Kanye - Don't you think that it's too early to be rehearsing?

Nika - No, we just wanted to tell you that they eliminated me from the competition, so you won't have to train me.

Kanye - What? How is that possible?

Nika - We have no idea, I received this message last night.

She showed it to him.

Kanye - That's bullshit, let me call them.

Kanye leaves the house phone on his ear, after a few minutes, he comes back.

Kanye - They told me that you were always in the competition and that they never sent you this message. Someone else sent you that message to prank you.

Once she hears that, all the stress she's been feeling fades away.

Nika - Thank you so much, you don't know how scared I was.

Kanye - It's okay, since you came in earlier than expected, are you ready to train?

Nika smiled and nodded. They went upstairs to Kanye's studio. He gave her new advices, then he let her write a rap verse freely. Once she was done writing, she made him listen. He was impressed.

Kanye - Now, that's what we're talking about! Good wordplays! Your cadence was also very good, as expected. You're getting better!

Nika - And it's all thanks to you, so thank you again, Kanye.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, so she turned around and saw March West, Kanye's son.

March - I must say that you're not as horrible as I thought.

She gave him an angry look.

Nika - And you think your backhanded compliments will make me forget what you said about me weeks ago?

March - You're right, I was mean to you for no reason. I apologize. But I also think that you have improved a lot.

Nika didn't know what to think about his compliments.

Nika - Well.. Thank you.

March smiled at her.

March - But if you think that you will become a better rapper than me, you can keep dreaming.

He smiled as he said it, which made Nika understand that he was joking, so she laughed at his joke.

Nika - When I win the rap competition, let's have a rap battle to see who's the best.

March - Wow, you're really confident about your skills.

Nika - Of course I am.

March - Okay for the rap battle then.

They playfully shook hands. Kanye smiled as he saw them getting along, he then left the room. Once Kanye was gone, March turned around to see if they were alone, then talked to her.

March - Actually, I know where that message comes from.

Nika - Wait, for real?

March - Yes, it was Tatiana. She sent you a message with a phone she bought last week, she wanted you to believe it so you wouldn't show up at the contest.

Nika - (What a bitch) but how do you know that?

March - Tatiana has been crushing on me for awhile now, but i really don't care about her. She told me her plans.


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