cap 3 the reunion

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Johnny and Michael are sleeping on the couch because he had stayed up late watching movies. The good thing was that the couch was big so they weren't uncomfortable. Meanwhile, in a cabin located in the woods far from the city, there was James who couldn't sleep so he went. to take a walk in the forest but first he put on a sweater because it was cold and he very carefully left the house because he didn't want his sister Elías and William to get up.

James: (I hate when I can't sleep) *leaves the house*

After gently closing the door he went for a walk in the forest because he had nothing else to do, so he spent two hours until he found a woman sitting in the river where he had dumped the body hours ago. James was surprised because it was already too late for anyone to be in the river

James: (Who is it? Why is he here at this hour?)

???: can you stop seeing me you look like a stalker and even more so when you are hiding in a tree that doesn't even cover you

James was surprised to see that the woman had seen him now, he didn't know what to do, he wasn't afraid, but all of that gave him a bad feeling.

James: (shit) sorry, I was just surprised to see someone here at such a time of night.

???: well I believe you and about that I couldn't sleep so I came to the forest to get some fresh air and before you say why did I go out alone knowing that something could happen to me I know how to defend myself so it will be very easy for me to escape or protect me *stopped from where he was and started approaching James*

James: don't come close *takes a step back* whatever it is I don't want you to come close to me

???: It was to be expected but don't worry, I won't do anything and you can't attack a police officer *smiles*

James: (she's a police officer!? Shit she found the body what should I do!?) Are you really a police officer?

???: Yes, I'm the police, Mary, it's a pleasure sir, sorry for not telling her before, just that she didn't know who you were until I saw you better (wow, you're attractive) and well, what are you doing here alone?

James: oh wow, about your question, I couldn't sleep (my #rda, go away, you damn old woman) * smiles * well, I have to go, my sister is probably worried about my goodbye * she starts walking straight to her house *

Mary: goodbye (mmm he acted very strange when I told him I was a police officer) it's better to get out of here and I also need a nap * she's going to the city *

★pov James★

Damn it, I almost gave myself away. Well, I don't suspect anything good. I have to get there before everyone wakes up and doesn't see me. After running for a while, I arrived at the cabin and delicately opened and closed the door and then carefully left. my room, apparently the walk had worked for me because I would start to feel sleepy to the point that without realizing it I had already fallen asleep


James was finally able to sleep, meanwhile the twins had woken up because Michael had had a nightmare where he saw his little brother dead on the floor. He couldn't do anything because he couldn't move his body, so he was until he was finally able to wake up with tears while Johnny who had heard his brother sobbing, saw him and instinctively hugged him

Johnny: brother, what happened, why are you crying!? You had a nightmare right? *hugs him* tell me what you dreamed

Micheal: t-everything was dark and-and I couldn't see anything until I-I saw you on the s-ground DEAD and I couldn't do anything, you don't know how scared I was *hugs him tightly while sobbing* p-please don't touch me -dropouts

Johnny: I will never do it micheal I will always be with you nothing and no one will separate us we will always be together (always big brother)

After Micheal calmed down, Johnny lay down on the couch with Micheal while he hugged him and stroked his hair to make him fall asleep. He stayed there until Micheal fell asleep and so Johnny could sleep peacefully.

The next day

James had gotten up and went to the kitchen where he saw his sister and his nephew eating while Elias was also just getting up.

Elise: finally wake up guys, I left you breakfast *smiles while eating his pancakes*

Elías: thank you love * he approaches Elise and gives her a kiss on the cheek *

James: thanks sister *goes and grabs her pancakes*

So they were talking after a few hours James, Elise, Elías and William went to the city to buy some things and they were also going to meet their brother Jake who was a few years younger than James so they were walking until they met Jake

Jake: James Elise, how are you? *hugs them* I miss you so much brothers

Elise/James: We miss you too Jake

William: Hello Uncle Jake (wow he looks a bit like Uncle James) how is he? *greets him*

Jake: Hi William, how much have you grown, little one (I remember when he was just a little, harmless baby) I'm super fine.

Elías: hello brother-in-law *hugs him* how long, huh?

Jake: Hi Elías *hugs back* Yes, it's been a long time since I saw you.

Jake began to tell them about his trips, his adventures, and one or another random fact that he got out, and so it was all day until Elías asked him a question

Elias: Hey Jake, are you dating someone or do you like someone?

James: (this son of a bitch doesn't get tired or what the fuck?)

Elise: love, what did I tell you?

Jake: *interrupts his sister elise* if I like someone* blushes a little*

Elías: hahahaha even your younger brother likes someone and you are more alone hahahaha *starts laughing very hard*

James: hahaha how funny you ate clown ve##a right? (I hate you)

This is how Elías was making fun of James Elise talking to Jake and William who wanted to know who was the person her uncle Jake was in love with

★To be continued★


Hello, I hope you liked it, I'm three caps in a single day, I'm tremendous xd well, James is going to meet Johnny, be patient

Well that's your bay 😎🫵

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