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Hogwarts looked very different after the war. Many of the once-beautiful buildings had been damaged or even destroyed, and a general sense of gloom and sadness hung over the castle. The students seemed quieter and more subdued than before, and no one was really comfortable talking about the war. Everyone seemed to be going about their day, but without the same sense of joy or lightheartedness as they had before. It was as if the entire castle was traumatized by the events of the war. Hogwarts changed a lot after the war. Some parts were barely recognizable, having been damaged by the war or the battles that took place on campus. Other parts remained as they always had, a reminder of what existed before the war. One thing that changed drastically was the atmosphere. It had been a place of joy and magic before the war, but now it was filled with unease and sadness. The students who had returned from war were changed and scarred, and the school as a whole carried that weight with them.

The Black Lake looked starkly different after the war. It had been a serene and tranquil place before the war, a source of calm and relaxation for many students. But after the war, it bore the effects. Parts of it were a darker hue, while other parts were still as blue as before. The calmness had been disrupted, but parts of it still held that ethereal beauty that the Black Lake had always possessed.

The Forbidden Forest also carried the effects of the war, though not as drastically as the Black Lake. Some parts had been ravaged by the war, and the forest seemed thinner in those areas. There was a sadness and heaviness about the trees and the atmosphere of the forest, and the silence that the forest had always possessed was no longer there. It had become darker, and there were whispers and rustling that had not been present before the war.

Hagrid was deeply impacted by the war, and he was never the same after. He watched as his beloved castle had been ravaged by the war, and the forest where he kept his creatures had been torn apart. He had lost many of his animal friends, and he felt a weight of guilt for not being able to protect them better. Hagrid was never one to let his pain show, yet one could find cracks around the edges if they looked closely. He carried the scars, inside and out, but he kept going on. And here he was waiting again for the train to arrive to have the kids back...

Minerva was one who had to adapt quickly to the new world after the war. She had to switch from being a teacher at Hogwarts, to being one of its defenders and guardians. She saw all the ways the war affected the castle and the grounds, and she watched as the students she had taught and protected returned scared and changed. She carried the weight of their pain on her shoulders, and she became more serious and calm as a result. She still cared deeply, but it was hidden beneath her harsh façade . She was now the headmistress and she tried everything in her power to bring back the old comfort of Hogwarts...

Percy Weasley was the personification of pride and confidence before the war, but it turned him on his head. All of that pride and confidence was burned out of him through the fires of war, and he was reduced to a shell of himself. He was no longer confident or arrogant, he was haunted and heartbroken. He was never the same after the war, even if he tried to pretend he was. He carried the scars, inside and out, but he was determined and he took the request to ill in the position from head of Gryffindor and Professor of transfiguration.

Professor Sprout was also deeply impacted by the war. She watched as the school grounds she had known for decades transformed into a battleground. She saw as her precious forest was ravaged by the warfare, and she saw as her creatures were slaughtered. She was heartbroken and heartbroken again in a constant cycle. Even her calm aura and warm smile was gone, replaced by one of stoicism and exhaustion. She had changed permanently but she remained one of the strongest forces of nature and peace in the school.

Flitwick always was a kind person, but the war made him more gentle and compassionate. He had lived through so much carnage and loss that it was impossible not to be touched by it. He carried the same scars all soldiers, wizards, witches, and muggles did. Yet he never let it show, instead always focusing on the positives and encouraging others. He kept his usual cheerful aura, but underneath he had been changed by the war and held onto its scars. He always felt that there were a few less smiles in the world after the war.

Slughorn was one who had the most difficult time adapting. The war took everything he knew away from him, and he was left feeling confused and lost. His world had gone through such a drastic change, and he struggled to find his place in the new one. He carried a deep grief about him that never truly left him, and he often missed the way things had been before the war. He was bitter and resentful, but at the same time, he was more compassionate and empathetic. He was conflicted and complex and never quite sure where he fit in anymore.

The Professors and Teachers were all prepared for the students in their own ways. Some were still reeling from the emotional and physical toll the war had taken on them, so they were a bit rough around the edges and more stern than they had been before the war. Others had hardened themselves and became more strict in order to keep the students under control and try to limit trouble as much as possible. There were still some that were gentler and more sympathetic to the students, who had also been affected by the war and carried that weight with them. Overall, things were a bit tense and unstable.

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