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                                                                           𝓕𝓮𝔀 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻

So its been a couple of weeks and nothing much interesting but i tried for the quidditch team like Theo suggested and guess what? your now looking, well technically reading about the new chaser of the Slytherin quidditch team...i guess I'm excited but you would beg to know what happened during the try outs...before we get into that Theo and Ash seems to be getting along its not like they hate each other...Theo knew of her existence but now they seems to be hanging out and stuff which I'm happy for her...but ive noticed that the professors seemed to be stressed lately and Minerva has been going insane like shes stressed 24/7 and she doesnt hold eye contact with any student during breakfasts...

Something fishy is going on and the golden trio seems to know about something as i tried asking granger but shes clearly hiding but I'm praying to merlin that all i want is a completely normal year but only that this year might turn my whole life into a living hell in few days which i have no idea about..i just had a feeling 

So getting back to the flashback about my quidditch try out

                                                                                𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 

The weather seemed chilly as i got ready for the try outs...Quidditch was not something new for me ive always played it with my brother who is the seeker of his quidditch team and I'm damn proud of that...

Walking across the Quidditch field on a Sunday morning. The crisp air, coupled with the silence of the stadium when nobody is around, is both calming and refreshing. The turf underfoot is almost bouncy as it soaks up the morning dew. The sun's gentle warmth seeps into my bones, banishing away both loneliness and worry. In this moment, there is only the sound of birds chirping overhead and the faint whisper of the wind. This is where peace and silence truly exist.

My nerves were on high alert as I walked up the path to the Quidditch field. The sight of all the tryouts made the knot in my stomach tighten as my anxiety grew. I knew I had to be at my best if I wanted to have a shot. I took slow, deep breaths to try and calm myself down. Despite my nerves, I was determined to give it my all and leave everything on the field. The first drill was a simple one, all about accuracy and speed, but I could already feel my hands trembling.

The nerves made me clumsy as the first couple of shots went wide of the goal. I felt my heart skipping beats as the pressure and attention increased. But I had to stay calm and focused. I was not going to let my nerves get the best of me. I took in a deep breath and slowed down, taking my time on each shot. One by one, I made my way up the field and began to get into the rhythm of things.

As the tryout continued, I could feel myself getting more in tune with my movements. The pressure and attention were still there, but I was starting to get a better handle on my nerves. With each shot that made it through the goal, my confidence grew. I knew I was doing well, but I knew I had to keep pushing myself. The tension and adrenaline made it feel like time was passing by so quickly.

I could feel the captain the none other than the Draco Malfoy's eyes on me. He kept his gaze on me, and I could feel the tension in his own look. It added another level of pressure, knowing that his eyes were on me. I took in a deep breath, trying to clear my head and focus solely on the drill. Draco Malfoy and the others were watching me, judging my every move. Their eyes were like needles piercing through me, dissecting my every action. The pressure was intense, but I had never dealt with any less.

The drill was coming to an end as I made it to the final goal. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling like I had done my best. As I caught my breath, I glanced over at the team leaders once more only to find that their gaze had not left me. They were still watching, still judging. I felt even more pressure than I had before, but I kept my composure. I didn't want to let them see how nervous I was. I reached the ground as i walked up along side the rest of the team when i caught glimpse of Theo mouthing Good job with a thumbs up.

As the captain gave his motivating speech my eyes never left Draco Malfoy's I hated that guy but this Malfoy the determined one who wanted to win the house championship was something i never expected to see with that his eyes met mine as he motioned me to walk closer as i went to him hesitantly with a smug look 

As i stepped in front of the team before him he announced "THE NEW CHASER WILL BE ALEXANDRA SALVATORE" As i looked at Theo with a smirk as i winked at him.

I turned back to Malfoy and i said

wow i thought you wouldnt know my name but thanks Malfoy

to which he replied

you got the spot because you were good out there what makes you think that gave you the privilège to talk to me?

with that he scoffed and left and goddddd i hated that guy now i have to spend my free time listening to him since hes our captain!

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