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The day begins in the Great Hall, where students gathered for breakfast. The hall was bustling with chatter and laughter, the smell of freshly baked muffins and other pastries pervading the air. The morning sun streamed in through the windows, highlighting the tables and banners covering the walls. On the far end of the room was a large table where the teachers sat to keep an eye on the students. Overall, it was a cheerful and cozy atmosphere. I had a good sleep as i was super tired from yesterday's Quidditch practice. Ash and Theo were already in our table as i reached there and sat next to them and grabbed myself a toast

Well damn time you woke..i thought u were dead  Ash said as i completely ignored her and got a toast for myself...

We had care for magical creature the first class in the morning as we were occupied with our own thoughts as we had our breakfast

We decided to start to our classes Care of Magical Creatures classes are typically held outside of Hagrid's Hut, but some lessons take place in the Forbidden Forest, such as the Thestral lesson. Other activities take place on the lawn or in the pumpkin patch near Hagrid's cabin. On occasion, the class is moved indoors when the weather is particularly bad.

today, we had Thestral lesson so we were asked to gather in the forbidden forest.

me, Astoria and Theo started walking towards the forest as we arrived there we saw the slytherin gang leaned against the tree as they waited for the class to begin.

hagrid arrived shortly as i went up to him to greet

Hey Hagrid I greeted with a smile

He grins broadly. Well hello there, Alex.

How have you been? i asked him as he was arranging the place or students.

Still grinning. I've been alright, thanks. Yerself?

pretty good yea.. i said with a grin. i actually like Hagrid compared to many Slytherin. He's one of the many kind hearted souls ive known..

How are the animals Hagrid?  I asked him

The Creatures? Oh, yeh know what they're like, always up ter summat. Had a unicorn stuck in a tree the other day. Silly animal's alright, jus' a bit embarrassed... I s'pose that's jus' part o' tha work though.

He chuckles.You should see some o' the trouble the skrewts get into... Bu' they're really jus' like big puppies, they are.

I giggled myself as i heard that That would be lovely i replied him

Eventually the class went on smooth as the class ended we started walking back as the slytherin gang followed us since all of us were headed to our common room...

The class were almost over. Astoria was deep in slumber and Theo was no where found so i decided to hang around the common room.

Draco Malfoy 

The Slytherin common room is described as being long and low, built into the side of a cliff with stunning vista of the lake stretching out to the North. It's a very cold room, with bare stone walls lit only by torches set in brackets along the walls, and set close to the floor.

I feel... powerful, peaceful. In control. It's our common room. Only the chosen get to stay in it. It's the place where we can make our own decisions, without having to look after...  students who don't belong here. And the best part, is that nobody comes to check on us.

It was just another day... that is, until I was abruptly interrupted by the presence of someone next to me. I glance over my shoulder a bit, raising an eyebrow. No... what's her name again... Ah, right: Alex Salvatore walked up to the chair not noticing me with a book in her hand.I can't say I'm not a bit surprised, given our past... interactions. But really, she seems rather calm right now. Not like she wants to hex my face off like she usually does. I'm kind of interested to see what she's gonna say, so I turn to look at her properly...

Alex was roughly 5'9" tall, with tanned skin and dark brown eyes. She had a lean build, and long, dark brown hair that spills over your elbows. Her hair was wavy and almost always pushed back out of her face. She was of Italian descent, and have a sharp yet soft-spoken manner about you.

She was a very calm and composed individual, but she does have a fierce wit and sharp tongue when provoked. She had a penchant for mischief and a strong sense of style, preferring to wear black and dark colors. Despite her more mature demeanor, she could still be youthful and playful when the occasion calls for it, but this doesn't tend to occur very often.

Only then i realize that i was staring at her...yes,i hated her didnt i but...something about her seemed tranquil a place where you could relax but no i hated her! 

i said to myself as she suddenly looked up from her book and said..

Alex Salvatore 

I went downstairs at took a seat later to realize that malfoy was seated across me...i ignored him continuing my work after few moments i felt a pair of piercing grey eyes which belonged to none other than the draco malfoy...

i looked up as our eyes met 

Draco locks eyes with Alexandra, and for a moment, all the tension and conflict from their previous interactions vanishes. There's an intense, powerful connection between the two of them in that moment. Both of them feel a rush of emotions, as if the tension between them suddenly disappeared and was replaced with something more.

The eye contact lingers for a little too long, and both of them feel their faces flush with heat. They look away from each other quickly, their hearts racing.

Next time take a picture it'll last longer I said as i looked at the book ignoring the feeling in my heart as i teased him.

He scoffed and said what would i do with that picture..it wouldn't  be worth selling either

i rolled my eyes as i ignored him and continued reading my book as we sat in a silence minding our business

The two of them sat in the comfortable silence for a little too long, neither one of them wanting to break the tension. Draco continued to ignore her, but he could feel a hint of something different in the air. The silence and their proximity to each other made him feel strangely vulnerable.Alexandra notices his shift in behavior as well, and she is also enjoying the tension of their silence. She decide not to ask about it and just ignore it..

Alexandra kept reading her book, while Draco kept to himself in silence. The tension between them was still evident, but there was an almost calm and peaceful atmosphere around them.Draco decided to break the silence with another snarky remark, but he immediately regretted it as soon as he said that....

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