Alex salvatore

What are you even reading? He asked sarcastically, though his voice had no real mean spirit behind it, just playful.

part of me wanted to ask why do you care but something in me told me other wise so i replied him
The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar allan poe
He looked at me wondering..after a brief period of time he asked slowly
Isn't he like a muggle writer?
I asked him surprised that he knew muggle writer considering his loyalty to blood purity

Wow Malfoy I'm surprised you even know muggle writer..

He rolled his eyes and told me
I wouldn't lie about the fact that I read muggle books ..

Alright did I heard right or did he just admitted the fact the he reads muggle book
Hold up!! Come again..did u just say u read muggle books? I asked him genuinely surprised
He faced formed a slight smirk as he replied
Oh don't sound so surprised I do read them..
the way he said it so casually made me question everything I assumed about him...
Now being genuinely super curious I asked him
What's your favourite?
I asked with a slight grin

The lights in the Slytherin room was dim since it was 3am... The head of house thought it was a good idea to have dim lighting at night to avoid students staying up to study as Slytherins are indeed either see them with hair messy chapped nail polish with dry lips and surviving on 15 cups of coffee awake at night trying to finish their essay because they can't tolerate being second and want to be top of classes or they look completely elegant with neatly combed hair and ironed chap suits with polished shoes and scented parchment as they complete the work on time... The lighting somehow suited Alex and Draco's conversation giving them a warm embrace as they talked animatedly about muggle author and books

Any third person that would have entered the room would have thought two young lovely couples up at 3 am talking and giggling might find them cute but every Slytherin in Hogwarts knew Alex and Draco loathed eachother...they were
Cat and rat
Sun and moon
Daydream and nightmare
But something about their relationship held a secret that none of them knew...
Something that every other person in the room could feel except themselves...

Woah woah woah your telling me Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin and Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn is your favourite? Not bad Malfoy
I smirked slightly surprised about his choice of book...and yet I asked again
Perhaps have you seen the movie version of those books?
To which Malfoy shaked his head no as he said smirking
you were surprised to hear me read about them you might faint if I said yes I've seen those movies but lucky you I haven't
I laughed maybe he was indeed right I would have fainted if I have heard that...We sat there talking about God knows what and part of me was not ready for this improvement in our relationship but the other part just wanted to find out how much I assumed wrong about him...

If you have the chance to save the world you could

Draco said as we just talked about random I laughed at his comment as I got comfortable in my chair while I gazed at the green flames in our common room

I could...if I wanted to

I said keeping my eyes locked in the flames...
His eye brow furred out of curiosity he faced looked smug as he said

But you won't

He said smirking wider as I turned to look at him as our eye met and I saw the way he eyes looked prettier in the illumination of green flames in our common room I nodded slowly as he unraveled my true self slowly but yet elegantly without making it look obvious

I don't believe in never... He said

I don't believe in always... I said

He smirked I looked at him as I stood up brushing my dress to get back to my room

Well opposite attracts he said sounding soo smug yet charming in his own way

I looked up from the dress as I said Never as the realisation strook face formed a smirk as I started walking towards the stairs to the girls dormitory cheeks slightly painted as he looked back at me and said Always as he laughed off about our conversation...

I walked upstairs it was 4 am already and I needed my beauty sleep as sleep took over my senses as soon as the moment my head met the soft cover of silk pillow of my bed pulling me into a dreamless deep slumber...

Draco Malfoy

I watched her go upstairs as I turned to look at the flames infront of me...
What is going on? For Salazar's sake...
I hated Alexander as long as I have known her but what's so different now? Why does a part of me wanted her to stay longer...keep me company why? Why now?

I rubbed my hands on my face as I thought about our conversation a small smile forming on my lips I sighed out whispering to myself
What are you doing to me Salvatore?
It's like I wanted to hear her talk more about the books she liked or movies she wanted to watch I wanted to know how much we were alike... similiar as I always thought we were polar opposites...North pole and south pole but she... something about her is different almost as if she is desirable
I just need sleep I thought as i headed upstairs to my dorm...
Blaise's snores engulfed me the moment I entered the room as I sighed and got into my bed...falling asleep without nightmares

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