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𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔵𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔯𝔞 POV

Lex!!!! Wake up!!! we already missed breakfast!!! I could hear Astoria screaming as i woke up to realize its only 7:30

Come on ash its only 7 30 the breakfast lasts till 8 I said going back to bed when i suddenly landed on the floor with a thud, ouch!! what the hell ash? i asked as i cares my head standing up

you shouldn't be late on your first day!! she said with over enthusiasm..as she pulled me out of bed.

i woke up did my normal routine as i got dressed for my first day...me and ash got to the great hall as we had only 15 mins more we digged right in as i heard ash complaining about how she took every class in our grade when someone slide next to me and threw their arms around my shoulders...

why dont u just sit on my lap then? i asked harshly as i turned to come face to face with my other best friend Theodore Nott...yes, The Theodore Nott i get it hes hot and a chaser and blah blah but guess what? hes my best friend after all!! 

If thats your wish just ask me Salvatore... Theo said as he digged in for his breakfast while i turned to ash giving lovesick puppy eyes for Theo...

Psst!!! Ash your drooling  i TEASED Ash giggling. 

Astoria has the most huge crush on Theo and well hes my best friend what do y'all think i do...ofcourse third wheel but now I'm not really in the mood

Are you going to try out for quidditch....we are lacking a chaser  Theo asked me as i didnt look up from my plate..

i'll think about it  i said as he nodded as i asked him about his other friend group the slytherins hotties to which he chuckled and replied with yea they are fine and good

i grew up with a normal pureblood family and not the power grieving pureblood supreme one so I'm thankful for that...lovely mom and dad with a twin brother who goes to Ilvermony

We got our time tables as me and Theo had potions together while Ash had muggle studies...

We decide it would be best to start to our classes as we left the great hall together.. Ash and I got separated due to classes but hey i had Theo for company...i saw the golden trio leaving the great hall well I'm guessing they havent had a peaceful sleep coz they all had a grumpy look. ive had a couple of casual conversation with Hermione but not the other two..and i dont mind coz they are trouble personified...

Classes were over for the day as i had charms,potions,history of magic and viola im done for the day...i decided to walk around the castle

i reached the astronomy tower as it was almost dawn and i took a seat in the tower relaxing as i watched the sun set while fired up my cigarette one of the bad habits i got from my dad...

no matter who comes or leave it is the silence that is permanent...like how mindfulness achieved with nothing in mind...The only sound was the crackling of flames, and my empty silence. I was content just to sit there forever, lost in the void of my own mind. Not existing. Not feeling. I didn't even know who I was. It was tranquil. It was calm. It was safe. It was nothing.

and i liked that when it was interrupted but the Slytherin gang who entered coughing a effect by my cigarette i looked up to see them acknowledging my existence...

The Slytherins and i never got along they were just too much for me, i mean I'm part Slytherin and I'm grumpy and a little bit evil but i would never hurt anyone...unlike them

I was just leaving I said as i extinguish my cigarette as i stood up to leave when Pansy Parkinson replied me with aww Salvatore we dont bite with a stupid stupid smirk...we never got along

oh look its the liar, the bitch and the slutty wardrobe i said as i eyed the Draco, pansy and Blaise when Blaise answered me with i prefer the term ladies man than slutty whatever 

when i just walked off smirking when i heard Malfoy scoffing while pansy giggling...

The sun was set as i was tired from the first day effect Ash was talking about how she understood nothing about internet from muggle studies while i liked listening to her....im more of a thinker a listener than a talker...the day came to end as we headed to the dorm i laid in my bed sighing hoping that rest of the year would be the same boring school year...

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