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Next whole week was fairly peaceful as Alex and Draco walked past each other with occasional eye contacts and smile along the long corridors which vary greatly in appearance, atmosphere, and width, from narrow, torch-lit passageways to broad, grand avenues adorned with rich, enchanted tapestries that flutter slightly as if stirred by an unseen breeze.

The walls are often lined with portraits of former headmasters, magical creatures, and notable wizards and witches, all of whom can interact with students and each other. Some of these portraits serve as guardians to hidden entrances or secret passageways. The floors are typically stone, which can echo the footsteps of students and professors, adding to the castle's lively ambiance.

Armor suits and statues, some of which can move and speak, are positioned at various points, occasionally giving directions or advice to lost students.

The hallways are also home to various magical phenomena, such as the vanishing steps in the grand staircase or the ever-shifting architecture that can make navigating the castle without knowledge or magical guidance quite challenging. Each corridor seems to hold secrets or history, contributing to Hogwarts' enchanting and sometimes eerie charm.

Alexandra Salvatore

Past week at Hogwarts was packed with both academics and house-related activities. Our days were filled with core classes like Potions and Charms, where they often shine. Afternoons might include specialized sessions such as Defense Against the Dark Arts or Quidditch practice, especially if there's an upcoming match against a rival house like Gryffindor. Evenings are reserved for studying in the library, strategic meetings in the common room, or social events like house parties after a Quidditch win. Despite our busy schedule, we manage to squeeze in some downtime, often plotting pranks or exploring the castle's secrets with friends.

So atlast we had a normal busy week with no distractions and problem but just casual normal Slytherin's week

You know if u win the match today we'll have the first party of this year right? Astoria asked as she stood in front of our vanity as she got ready for breakfast..

I don't know Ash it's against gryffindor if we do win then either it's because of me or its a miracle I asked as I stood behind her in my quidditch attair checking myself out as I pulled my hair in a ponytail

U sound a little too cocky for your first match you know? Astoria asked as she looked pretty good and ready.

Cockiness doess indeed runs in my blood don't ya think? I asked her smirking as I winked at her

No doubt but come on let's go! She said giggling as she dragged me out of our common room to the great hall for breakfast.

Draco Malfoy

The morning was quite as I woke up earlier then Blaise as I got ready for the match against the gryffindors I wasn't planning on playing quidditch this year as it's my last year and after all that which happened to me and because of me.. but Blaise and pansy pressurized me saying there's no way else Slytherin's gonna win without me and I'll be honest I worked pretty hard for today and I need to win this match
I looked at the bathroom mirror as I wiped the glass which was fogged due to steam

Draco Malfoy stood in front of the mirror in his lavish bathroom, the steam from his hot shower slowly dissipating around him. With his platinum blond hair still damp, it falls in sleek strands framing his pale face. He runs a hand through his hair, smoothing it back into place with practiced precision, the reflection in the mirror revealing his trademark aristocratic look.

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