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Alexandra Salvatore

Relax lex you are going to do good Astoria said as she sat before me eating her piece of bread.

Try being in my fucking shoes if I mess up Malfoy would be more than happy to replace me I whisper through gritted teeth so nobody will hear me complaining about the Slytherin captain

Ohhh someone seems completely relaxed Theo teased as he took a seat next to me as he stuffed his mouth with my piece of bread

Hey that's mine!! I said pissed as I looked at him as he said

Get urself another He said pointing to the bread

Why can't u do that?  I point out the fact that he could've done that too
To which he just simply shrugged and continued eating it

So why are u pissed right before the match? People are usually nervous or scared but your weird
Said Theo as he kept eating expecting for an answer

I don't know Theo maybe because I have a lot on my plate right now! I sassed as I continued eating

See that's why I took from your plate He teased with a charming smirk as he winked

Shut up dude go flirt with Astoria or something I said as Theo smirked wider and Astoria blushed deep as she kicked my leg under the table

Ouch Astoria I said as I winced

Draco Malfoy

I sat in the Slytherin table beside Blaise as pansy sat in front of me blabbering something to Blaise as I took in the atmosphere.

As I sit at the Slytherin table with the rest of the Quidditch team, there's a heavy weight of expectation on my shoulders. Today's the match against Gryffindor, and I can almost taste the victory. I go over the game plan once more with the team, making sure everyone's clear on their roles. I notice the Gryffindor team laughing and joking from across the Great Hall, and it irks me—do they not take this seriously?

I push around the food on my plate, eating more out of necessity than hunger. The protein will keep my energy up, but right now, my mind is entirely on the game. I need to be sharp, faster than Potter, and catch that Snitch first. Every move we make today needs to be precise and calculated.

I glance around at my teammates, ensuring they understand the importance of every block, every tackle, and every goal. We've trained too hard to let this slip through our fingers. The beaters nod back at me, their expressions as stern as mine, while our Keeper looks calm but focused, his eyes occasionally flicking towards the noisy Gryffindor bunch. We're a solid team, ready to dominate.

This isn't just another match; it's Slytherin pride, it's personal glory, it's proving to everyone, especially Potter, that we are the best. Today, we'll leave everything on that pitch, and I'll make sure we come out on top. The anticipation builds with every minute closer to game time, fueling my resolve. Let Gryffindor underestimate us—they won’t know what hit them.
And the surprise attack is definitely our stupid little Salvatore... nobody will ever expect her on ground.

As I look up I found Salvatore sitting with Theo and Greengrass.
Salvatore, dressed in her Slytherin Quidditch robes, looked every bit the formidable Chaser she was. The emerald green of the uniform complemented her dark hair, pulled back tightly to keep it out of her face during the game. Her eyes, usually sharp with cunning, now burned with a competitive fire, focused and ready. The robes fit her well, accentuating her agility and readiness to swoop through the air with ease. As she adjusted her gloves, her movements were precise, betraying her intense concentration and determination to excel on the field. Seeing her like this, fiercely part of the team, made me acknowledge her not just as a fellow Slytherin but as a key player in our strategy to win against Gryffindor.
As she looked up as our eyes met,she gave me a subtle nod. As I gave her a small nod and turned back to my pansy to realise pansy and Blaise were staring at me with a smirk
Oh god-

Mate you gonna explain your little interaction with Miss. Salvatore over there? Blaise asked smirking as I looked down at my plate avoiding his eyes

What interaction? there was no interaction between us! I scoffed as I rolled my eyes

So your telling me you just nodded at the wall? Stared at the wall? Pansy now asked taking Blaise side with a cunning smirk

U said ain't gonna hold grudges with her? And now your making eye contacts and nodding? Dracooooo what's going on? Blaise asked with a teasing grin as I finally looked up to meet his eyes as pansy wiggled her eyebrows matching blaise's teasing

I rolled my eyes as I replied
look we just talked the other day, and she wasn't THAT bad of an acquaintance. Now both of you leave me alone!

Talked? Like face to face? Like actually words? From mouth? Dayumm you and Salvatore? The pretty black haired bitch right there? Her?
He teased as I shoved him slightly to which we ended up laughing as pansy asked slowly

What did you guys talk about? She asked drinking her pumpkin juice casually as she looked at me for answer

As I sighed and gave in knowing these two won't leave me alone if I don't answer Books...we talked about books and literature

Dude your soo boring! The last time you two spoke she literally burnt the whole room and now u guys talked about books! Eww you two are weird.
Blaise said as he got up from the bench eating his bread on his way to ground because he likes to warm up early leaving me and pansy alone

He's right you know? You two are weird but I can see the sexual tension between you two She said teasing me

Eww pansy shut up there's no tension between us I said as I looked to see Alex getting up from the table leaving the room for probably the ground

Whatever makes you sleep at night Malfoy She said as she got up to leave as I sat there fiddling with my food as I let my thoughts wander free

As my memories showed me the clip of her setting the room Indeed on fire once when we talked back in fifth year as I laughed slightly at the memory and stood up to leave the great hall as someone called me as I turned to see someone who I was expecting the least

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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