Sasuke's Older Sister [Naruto]

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The reason I made this was because of "Lost Memory."
Also, Gaara UvU


There are two goals that Kyo is certain to achieve in her life; to be the greatest kunoichi and to be by Sasuke's side. Ever since her older brother, Itachi, killed the entire Uchiha clan except for her and their little brother, she was heartbroken and full of mixed emotions from the incident, and that made her fully awaken her Mangekyō Sharingan for the first time after witnessing their mother's death.

Her idol, protector, and role model became something that she didn't want him to be. From that day on, she had the goal to be the best kunoichi in the world, protect Sasuke from any harm, and bring her older brother back as a promise from her mother. She's been training from day, and night to get stronger and to perfect her Jutsus.

She had tried to open her Mangekyō Sharingan but didn't know how to reawaken them again. However, Kakashi came to her side after seeing her struggle for a week straight and helped her. She had no clue why he was helping her, but she was thankful since she'd probably go nowhere if she practiced on her own. Kakashi learned to know that she was a quick learner.

During her time in the academy, she's been at the top of her classes and every guy likes her. Until one day, Rock Lee came to her. "You!" Kyo didn't flinch and looked up to see her classmate. She was at Ramen Ichiraku and she was waiting for her takeout. "Hm? What is it?" She tilted her head in confusion. "You're one of the last two Uchihas in this village, Kyo Uchiha," Lee pointed to her.

"Um, yeah? We're classmates, of course, you know that," she bluntly commented back. "I challenge you to a duel!" He exclaimed once more. "Why exactly?" She asked him. "I want to see if I can defeat the one and only Kyo Uchiha that everyone talks about," he replied back. "No, thank you," Kyo kindly rejected Lee as she stood up from her chair. "Here you go, Kyo," Teuchi placed her ramen takeout for two.

"Thank you, Teuchi," she thanked him and she left the ramen shop. As she was walking, Lee came in front of her. "I challenge you!" He exclaimed again. After days of rejection and Lee getting harrassed by Kyo's fanboys, she finally accepted and they actually became good friends despite being rivals.

"I should get back home soon," Kyo talked to herself as she held her takeout from Ichiraku. She bought two this time to have one of them as her breakfast tomorrow. "If I'm correct, Sasuke should be at home already. Probably training," she mentioned as she walked. "Get out of here!" Kyo looked up to see a yellow-head kid getting pushed to the ground.

"And don't come back!" The store owner shouted at the boy and Kyo, out of instinct, used a fireball jutsu to distance the owner from the kid. "Oi!" The store owner looked over to see Kyo's deadly glare. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," she glared and the owner backed away. She reached a hand for the kid to grab which he hesitantly did and stood up with her help.

He didn't say anything but walked away from her. Before he left, Kyo tapped his shoulder and gave him her other bag of ramen to him. "You probably don't care, but I do," she grabbed his hand and placed the takeout on his hand as she walked away. Naruto looked between the ramen and the walking figure of Kyo.

"Oi!" Kyo stopped and looked behind her to see Naruto smile at her. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I'll be the next Hokage, believe it!" He gave her the widest grin he could make. "I believe you can!" She grinned back as she proceeded to walk back home. With a smile, Naruto ran off back to his house. Maybe you could say, Naruto began to admire Kyo as one of his idols.

Years went by, Kyo graduated, got her ninja headband, and at that moment, she was about to meet her new sensei. Apparently, her class has an uneven number so, there was one team where it would be a four-man squad and that team was Kyo's team. "Who do you think our sensei will be?" Tenten, one of Kyo's new teammates, asked. "We'll know when we know," Kyo answered back as they waited.

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