Sasuke's Older Sister [Naruto] 1

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Chapter 1 | First Meeting

Kyo waited for her sensei with her team at their designated meeting spot. "Why do you think Guy-sensei wants to meet up with us here?" Tenten asked them. "This is just my observation, but I think he's gonna talk about the chunin exams," Kyo mentioned. "Most probably. The chunin exams are a week away," Neji agreed with Kyo. After a year of knowing each other, all of them became close, even Neji opened up and became close to all of them.

"While waiting, my eternal rival! Let us battle once more!" Lee pointed at Kyo. "You've been calling me that ever since Guy-sensei mentioned that he calls Kakashi that," Kyo sweatdropped and all of a sudden smoke appeared in their vision. "No need to fear, Might Guy is here!" After the smoke cleared, we saw Guy-sensei in front of us. "Oh, there you are. We've been waiting," Kyo stated which made Guy sweatdrop. "Well, anyway. I have an announcement," Guy smiled at all of them.

"What is it, sensei?" Tenten asked. "I have recommended you four to the chunin exams," Guy showed them four application forms. "Oh yeah!" Lee celebrated as the others smiled. "We got to do our best then," Tenten smiled at all of us. "All of us will pass and become chunin. I know it," Kyo smiled at her team. "Alright, you sign your application form and come to room 301 at the Academy. It's six days from now around three p.m.," Guy then does a pose.

"Believe in yourselves, my youthful students! Do this for me," he then gives all of his students a smile. "Yeah! Guy-sensei!" Lee does the same pose as Guy. "But I have to add something," Guy looked serious. "Unfortunately, one of you has to be alone for these exams and Lord Third recommended Kyo to be alone," he mentioned and Kyo's eyes widened.

"Wait, seriously?" Tenten looked worried. "That's absurd. What's the point of being in a four-man team when one of us has to be alone for the exams?" Neji made a valid point. "The exams have to consist of at least a three-man squad to see if you're capable of teamwork. But Lord Third has seen Kyo in action in the real world and has requested she do these exams alone to see if she's worthy to be a Jonin. I see this as an opportunity," Guy explained.

"Kyo, you have to do it!" Lee grabbed Kyo by the shoulders and grinned at her. "But how about you guys?" Kyo asked as she looked at her teammates. "I'm sure we can handle this," Tenten reassured her as Neji nodded. "Alright, fine," Kyo sighed. "However, I'll be with you three and try to find you guys if we ever separate," she added as Lee hugged her. "Oh, yeah! Kyo!" Lee felt so proud of her.

"You're all dismissed. Have a good day and don't forget to train. Kyo, good luck," Guy smiled at all of them. "Lee, we shall train our taijutsu together for the chunin exams!" "Guy-sensei," Lee looked like he was gonna cry. "Well, I'm gonna go. I have to treat my brother to some food," Kyo waved at her team and she saw them wave back. "Good luck, Kyo!" Tenten waved goodbye which made Kyo smile and walked away from them.

"I wonder where Sasuke would be," she muttered out loud as she saw her fanboys admiring her which annoyed her but she didn't show it. While walking, she hears a lot of commotion coming from one direction. Kyo turned to a corner and saw a ninja holding the third's grandson by his scarf. "You better take your hands off him right now!" Kyo looked over to see Naruto shouting at the ninjas with Sakura and two other kids behind him.

Naruto and Sakura? What did the two do? Where's Sasuke? Kyo asks herself. "Put him down!" Naruto shouted again and began to run towards them but tripped backward. Chakra threads? Kyo sighed as she walked over to them. "You're annoying, all of you. I don't like runts or any other scrawny weaklings, so when a wimp like this starts shooting off his mouth— AH!" Kyo grabbed the guy's wrist tightly after she teleported to him.

"Kyo!" She heard Naruto exclaim. "I suggest you let go of the third's grandson. You wouldn't want the jonins to know about this, would you?" she glared at him. "What are you going to do about it, shorty?" He glared at Kyo. "You should have not said that," Naruto muttered in fear. "You calling me short? We're basically the same height. How about you pick someone your own size," she used her Sharingan on him and he stiffened.

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