Crush? [BNHA] 1

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Chapter 1 | Redo! Quirk Apprehension Test!

Mai sat near the stairs as she watched other classes in other schools communicate with one another. Before her class and the other classes went inside the USJ, the teachers explained that they would redo their Quirk Apprehension Test to see how much they improved one year later.

They said that the other classes would be grouped into five when doing this since it would take a long time to do the tests individually. Lucky for her class, they were already five to make a group. She looked around again at the other students, analyzing them as she glanced around.

There were some interesting people, some boring-looking people, and just plain annoying people she didn't want to associate with. Her class should do their best in these tests if they want to impress the other classes more than just that sudden test they displayed.

"What are you thinking about, Mai?" She flinched and looked below her to see Haruto looking at her in concern. She had completely forgotten her classmates were sitting with her. "You look like you were deep in thought," Araisa whispered for all four of them to hear as she looked worried as well.

"We need to prove to these other classes that we aren't weak. Seeing that they only see us as scientists because of where we are, might as well show them what we got," Mai answered and she noticed Mako smirking. "Of course, we'll show these losers we're strong," Mako agreed. Looks like his snake lisp is finally gone.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed a greenhead guy was looking at her class. "It's already annoying that they were underestimating us because we live on an island filled with scientists," Mako added as Mai's eyes were locked on the green-haired boy. Oh, it was the same weird kid that kept staring at her.

The boy's face turned red and quickly looked away as he went to talk to his friends. Very weird indeed. "That green-haired boy keeps on looking at our president weirdly," she glanced over to her side to look at Arisu. They had a skeptical look on their face, and Mai appreciated them for worrying about her.

"He always turns red when we lock eyes, I guess I intimidated him accidentally," she guessed but Araisa giggled a little bit. Why was she laughing? "Izukun seems to have an interest in you, Mai-san," Arisu and Mai raised an eyebrow at Araisa. "Izukun?" Mai asked. "Since when had they known each other?" Mai thought.

"Interest?" Haruto asked. "Oh, the green-haired boy you two are talking about is my childhood friend when I used to live here. I'm so glad he's fulfilling his dream. He really is just a late bloomer," Araisa looked relieved. That explains the nickname.

"But it doesn't answer the question of why he's looking at Mai-chan like that," Haruto huffed. "And why he has an interest in her. She didn't even do shit or showed off how strong her quirks are yet," Mako added and huffed in frustration.

"He has a habit of analyzing people's quirks and writing them down and all that. He's also very curious so that's why he has an interest in Mai-san and he's a huge fan of pro heroes, much like you, Mai-san. You always have a habit of analyzing people and you were just doing that a few moments ago," Mai began to blush a bit as Araisa mentioned that.

Mai felt embarrassed because her friend caught her analyzing again. "Oh, yeah! Mai-chan was always a hero fan, even when we were little," Haruto looked happy, it looked like there were flowers around him. Everyone seemed to notice the flowers too. "Where did the flowers come from?" Araisa asked nobody in particular.

"Once a hero geek, always a hero geek. That's just Fujinuma," Mako scoffed, which made Mai scoff as well. "Once an asshole, always an asshole. You always seem like someone shoved a stick up your ass," she insulted back as Mako looked angry. "Say that to my face, I dare you," Mako growled like a dog.

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