Chapter 2

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"Sibongile,girly wake up"-a light low voice says shaking me slowly .
I slowly wake up ,something falls hard on my feet hurting me in the process,I look down checking what it is only to find my Bible,I pick it up putting it back in my backpack stepping out off the car following the aunt making sure my head is bowed down.

"There is no need to bow down around us child if you used to doing that at the Ntuli's then it has to stop baby girl we not treating you as a slave now are we??"-the aunt says.
"No you not "-I say with my low calm ,soft voice.
"Exactly now stop looking down as if you looking for something ,now this is our kitchen if you wondering were are we ,we in Durban my love ,let me show you around sweetheart,I bet the oldies are by the river."-she says walking around with me behind her.

"Okay so this is your room ,you will be sharing it with your husband.Freshen up and meet me at the kitchen "-she says ,showing me the last part of the house,it's a double story house you can see that the furniture was chosen by a woman.
"Thank you "-I say touching the door knob.
"You welcome "-she says walking away.

I enter the room and it's empty,there is water running through the bathroom so I bet my husband is taking a shower.
I almost trip falling down because of pants that are left on the floor well not only pants but a lot more clothes.I pick them up ,tidying the room around ,I hear the bathroom door open as I finish off,it's now or never.
I continue doing what I'm doing silently with my head down.

"Oh didn't know you were in here ,I 'm done with the bathroom and I was going to clean that but uhm thanks "-the same voice with the cigarette smell says.
"You welcome "-I say taking my toiletries heading for the bathroom.

I head out of the shower stepping in to the bedroom,I look around and he is nowhere in sight.
I quickly dress up in a simple floral dress with a head rap ,heading to the kitchen as I memorise the way even though I look down while walking I still can see .

"For once I thought you were lost,okay boAuntie this is Sibongile,Sthembiso's wife."-aunty says ,and I still don't know her name.
"Sanbonani"-I say with my head bowed down.
"Yho yena she is beautiful,she doesn't look like she's from Joburg phela some of the women that side come back looking like whores that have been sleeping with the whole city ,don't disappoint us ke dear"-says one of those many aunties.
"I won't ma"-I say softly.

"Where is my daughter in-law Mary ?!,you so unfair stealing my first daughter in law from me "-shouts a pretty woman making her way into the kitchen.
"Here she is mntaka Mama "-says auntie Mary,who I just figured out her name.
"Oh my she is so beautiful,what's your name sweetie??"-she asks.
"Sibongile Ma"-I say .
"What a lovely name ,do you have an English name??"-mother in law.
"Zoe Ma".
"Well that's also a lovely name,I'm your mother in law so me mother and we will get along just fine ,come let's go and introduce you to the rest of the family and probably the boys didn't introduce themselves when they saw you yesterday "-she says making her way out of the kitchen to the lounge with me behind,finding the young mans whom I saw yesterday.

"Attention boys ,it's time for introduction and I bet you didn't introduce yourselves which is rude of
you"-she says holding my hand making me stand beside her.
"She didn't give us the chance to Ma ,when we try talking to her it's like talking to a brick wall only thing she does is to look down and say one word answers,how do you expect us to talk with her,she is just like her husband,I 'm starting to think they were a match made in heaven "-says the one with an annoying voice,the talkative one.
I look up for a minute to get a look at him and he is not bad just annoying.

"Respect Siyabonga she is a lady she is meant to be shy ,well that one dear with a big mouth is my last born Siyabonga "-she says.
She introduces me to her second last ,Siyamthanda.
Her third born,Bhekumbuso.
Her second born,Bonginkosi.
And her first born,Sthembiso,as I look at him I'm shocked to see him staring at me ,he's eyes feel heavy like those I have been feeling back at home so he is the one who keeps staring at me ,he has cold eyes .I dart my eyes from him looking at them again taking in how each and every one looks like.

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