Chapter 6 - Rating Game

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It's been 10 days since the challenge for the Rating Game had been issued, and the Hyoudou's had been arrested. Issei had spent 6 days in hospital recovering from the assault "his parents" committed on him though with high resistance from both Rias and Sona ,both saying he's not in the right state mentally nor physically to fight he told them that he'll be alright and that they shouldn't focus on that , the important thing is Rias' Freedom.

Rias: Issei, are you really sure about going through with this , not to mention you're not fully recovered yet.

Issei: Don't worry, Rias, I'll be fine. You need not worry about me , we need to focus on pulling the win over the Yakitori.

Sona: Also note that your brother will be watching the match Rias along with my sister and the Bael, Phoenix, and Gremory Families .

Timeskip to 30 minutes before the Rating Game.

The ORC is ready and waiting to start the rating game as they are in the clubhouse, which is their base for the game whilst the Phoenix peerage is based in the Student Council Room.

Grayfia: Good Evening everyone, I am Grayfia Lucifuge , a maid in service of the Gremory family and the Arbitrator for this rating game. As per notes from both Lady Rias and Lord Riser, the battlefield will be based on Kuoh Academy, where Lady Rias goes to school. Pawns when they reach enemy territory can promote . Lady Rias' Peerage is based in the ORC Clubhouse, while Lord Riser's peerage will be based in the Student Council room. Each team has 30 minutes to get ready for the rating game, Good Luck.

The dignitaries had gathered in the press boxes where they'll be observing the game. There were a few people interested in how Rias would do in her first Rating Game.

30 minutes later.

Grayfia: Let the Rating Game begin.

Both Peerages set out to fight , Issei and Koneko went to the school gymnasium where they were facing a Rook and 3 Pawns, Issei despite not being at full health was able to dispatch the Rook and one pawn while Koneko took out the two Pawns.

On the Athletics track Kiba was faced by 3 Pawns which he easily dispatched before facing the other Rook of Riser with a Knight, he was out numbered till Issei and Koneko came along and they were able to dispatch the rest of the pieces but Koneko was also retired in that scuffle.

Then out came Yubelluna as she took out Kiba and was about to take out Issei when Akeno came along and drew her attention.

Akeno: A pleasure to meet you, Bomb Queen.

Yubelluna: Same to you Priestess of Thunder, shall we?

Akeno: Let's

As the two Queens faced off , Issei was faced by the Riser's Bishops ,Knight  and remaining Pawns,  he was able to dispatch of the Pawns easily while the Knight was a challenge but he was armed with a sword Kiba gave him when the game started . Though it was a tough battle, he won and faced the other bishop, which he won easily, then he faced off against Ravel.

Issei: You must be the Yakitori's sister, am I correct?

Ravel: You're right commoner.

Issei: Is the attitude you have hereditary cause I don't really think you looking down on others suits you.

Ravel: Shut up and fight!!!!

Issei and Ravel faced off against each other Hellfire vs. Hell Ice. They were fighting on near equal terms till Rias came along and tipped the scales in Issei's favour, which won him the battle against Ravel.

As they were heading to the Student Council Room, they heard that Akeno had been beaten by Yubelluna, leaving them in a 2v2 situation , then came along the final confrontation.

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