Season 2 Chapter 12 - Debrief

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It has been several days since the battle with Kokabiel and the group has been discussing what's going to happen, Irina and Xenovia would have to debrief the church on what happened on their mission.

Touji ,Griselda and GD Artemis had been in contact with their friends and allies on what's going to happen next, with GD Artemis taking a keen interest on the upcoming Debrief for Irina and Xenovia. She knew that telling the duo everything would be meaning excommunication for them, but with Gabriel's reassurance that they won't, but she still was trusting what the church would do as Heaven and the Church had very different goals in mind, especially when including what happened to Asia, which has become clear to the group that it was a clear set up.

The representatives from the Vatican had arrived in Kuoh and were waiting on the girls to deliver their report, some of them were just simply there to take the swords away, but their plans would be foiled.

Vatican Rep 1: Welcome to the debriefing session ,Miss Shidou and Miss Quarta, we've come from Rome to collect your report on what occurred in the mission that we assigned you.

Irina: Thank you for having us, the mission went like this.

Irina then described everything that had occurred from the first meeting with the ORC & StuCo ,to the fight that happened which nearly got Xenovia killed, to the second meeting which had Griselda, Touji ,Grayfia and GD Artemis involved which had made a temporary alliance.

The girls noted that some of the reps winced at the mention of the alliance with the Devils to take down Kokabiel.

Xenovia then debriefed the fight with Kokabiel, how the Cadre had brought out the Cerebrus ,how Valper combined three of the Excalbibur blades which Freed used against them till the end when said fused Excalibur was destroyed and how all 3 were defeated, with Valper being killed by Kokabiel whilst Freed and the Crack Elf were taken away by the White Dragon Emperor.

Some of the reps were wondering why did Kokabiel kill Valper but they had an idea of why.

Vatican Rep 1: Is that all that came out from this mission?

Irina: No ,there was something else which came out.

Vatican Rep 1: And what was that?

Xenovia: We were informed that the Creator had died as well.

The Representatives flinched at the mention of the last part, they thought to take it as an opportunity to excommunicate the girls from the church because of what they learnt. Unbeknownst to them the debrief was being listened to by Griselda, Touji and GD Artemis, which the latter called Gabriel when Xenovia mentioned it.

Vatican Rep 1: Well that is unfortunate. Regretfully ladies , since you have learnt something which you shouldn't have known about , we have no choice but to excommunicate you, and we will have to take back the Excalibur blades

As the Representative was about to Excommunicate the Girls , a teleportation circle appeared in the middle of the room, and from the circle appeared Gabriel. The Representatives immediately took a knee.

Vatican Rep 2: Lady Gabriel! What are you doing here??

Gabriel: I heard that you were going to excommunicate these two young ladies for knowing about that, am I correct?

Vatican Rep 1: Well that is something which should only be known amongst the top brass.

Gabriel: And were you also going to take away their swords as well.

Vatican Rep 1: Those blades are property of the church so they must be taken back.

Gabriel: Unfortunately, that will not happen.

Vatican Rep 1: But why, my Lady, this is something which can bring down the Church?

Gabriel: I gave the permission for this to be revealed to them, since Kokabiel was going to use it against them to kill their fighting spirit, we acted preemptively and disclosed it to them, I had my friend Lady Artemis disclose that to them.

Vatican Rep 1: But-

Gabriel: Not to mention the fact that the Excalibur blades are not in good hands in Rome, Moscow or London, considering what they had been used for in the past.

Vatican Rep 1: I can assure you my Lady, a repeat of the Holy Sword Project won't happen again.

Gabriel: Really now? What of the children that were killed in that project, from what I've heard, Rias Gremory has the only survivor of that project has her Knight, and he's severely traumatised by that project to the point that he hates all Holy Swords . What about the supposed excommunication of the former Holy Maiden ,Miss Asia Argento. From what I've heard from my Queen, it was an honest mistake on her part, her kindness wouldn't allow for someone hurt to die when she had the power to heal them, that incident happened late in the night when no one should have been awake ,but by some chance someone was and they were watching it happen, instead of stopping her, they let it happen, then ran to the Pope when the Devil revealed himself and got away, seems like that was a set up don't you think, Representative?

Vatican Rep 1: Well ,t-that is to be interpreted.

Gabriel: This order is final, Miss Irina Shidou and Miss Xenovia Quarta will not be excommunicated from the church, and note that there will be an investigation into these happenings at the church, it seems like the church has gone corrupt. You are dismissed.

The Representatives left Kuoh in a disgruntled manner, knowing that they couldn't do anything since One of the Four Great Seraphs had given the order to not excommunicate the girls and she had support from her 3 brothers as well.

Gabriel: Irina ,Xenovia are you okay?

Irina: Yes we are Thank you Lady Gabriel for your assistance on this.

Gabriel: Come now , we know that you both shouldn't be excommunicated for something like this especially when this was a suicide mission at first. If it weren't for the alliance made then War would have resumed.

Xenovia: What happens now?

Griselda , Touji and GD Artemis then entered the room.

Griselda: There will be a peace conference between the three factions to permanently end the war with a peace treaty and reunite the 3 factions ending all the bloodshed.

Touji: Also Irina & Xenovia, I talked with the Lucifer and Leviathan, you'll be based here in Kuoh as a part of Artemis' peerage and you'll also be enrolled into Kuoh Academy as well. While also Mizuki and I made the decision to come back to Kuoh as well, its been far too long without being home, we also wanted to catch up with Artemis as well, since the verdict for the Hyoudou's is coming soon as well.

The girls were relieved about that bout of information and were happy that they were protected. But felt sad that they it had to happen like this.

Irina: Dad, Lady Griselda, Aunt Gabriel, me and Xenovia came to a decision whilst the debrief was happening .

Gabriel: What would that be dear?

Xenovia: We've seen just how much trouble something of this magnitude can cause, like us knowing of that secret, but then if we remain in the church.

Irina: It would almost certainly cause a revolt, so Xenovia and I request that we be relieved of our duties in the church as it is clear that our presence would unnerve a lot of people considered "traditionalists" and if said revolt happens it may end up destroying the system, leading to the collapse of heaven, which is something neither of us want.

The duo bowed in tears knowing what they have to do. They were embraced by the Trio, much to their shock after Gabriel protected them from excommunication.

Gabriel: I can see that you want to stay in the church, but after seeing that, you aren't sure, it is okay girls ,I'll grant your request and you can leave the church, though it'll be sad to see two budding swordswomen like you two leave, we know that we can still work together through the  Treaty that's coming.

I&X : Thank you

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