Chapter 8 - Aftermath

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After Issei was reunited with his family, which was the Gremory family, they started to have a conversation over what had happened.

Sirzechs: So Artemis, could you tell me what had happened over the last 12 years. It's something we really need to get a grip on from your perspective so we can really build a case for you.

Artemis: Well dad, it all started after Irina left, she's my childhood best friend, something prompted her to move away, I knew her dad was a part of the church but they moved so suddenly that even I failed to grasp it. I was blamed for that.

Grayfia: Practically as she moved away, everything started going downhill?

Artemis: Yeah, mom, that very night is when the abuse started, I was blamed they shouting, saying I must have done something for them to leave so suddenly ,I tried to retort but nothing went through to them. So I was fending for myself from there on out.

Rias: And basically, it continued all the way to where we are now, High School?

Artemis: Correct, I was the odd kid out, always called the peeper, the pervert when I never did those things, even when I was just seated alone, I was the easiest target so it all came to me.

And it didn't end there. When I went back home, it just got worse, I never got a chance to explain , it was just straight to the beating, no questions asked.

I thought that would be my life till I finished high school, so I learnt to go with it.

Rias: I remember when i started my second year at the Academy, girls were busy warning me of you, saying I should stay away from the pervert of the school, but I never saw you do any of the things you were accused of.

Artemis: There was a domino effect. It spilt over to outside the school to the point I was known all through town as the pervert, I could never go anywhere without no one abusing me.

Zeoticus: This will need to be addressed soon enough. It's gone too far out of hand.

Artemis: Then came up the last two weeks, I had a date, was killed in that date, revived by Aunt Rias, just another leg in my shitty life up to that point, turns out I was killed for having Albion.

Albion: And your natural power was heavily suppressed partner, if it wasn't, I would have contacted you sooner.

Rias: Shit!

Sirzechs: Rias, what's wrong?

Rias: I thought those fallen angels were just on observation, but this, it's taking it too fucking far!

Venelana: Rias, calm down. You couldn't have known that they'd kill him.

Rias: But I should have had a closer eye on him. If I did, he wouldn't have died the first time around.

Artemis: Rias, calm down. Right now, we need to move forward, kay?

Rias: Okay, it's just that I'm pissed at myself.

Zeoticus: Anything else?

Rias: A week or so ago, Sona was passing by the neighbourhood, and she heard the whipping coming from the Hyoudou home, and that's where she saw Artemis getting beaten down. Beforehand, Artemis requested that he leave to train with Albion . At first, I refused, but I relented.

Albion: And within that month, he unlocked Balance Breaker, all to be able to protect the peerage.

The adults smiled at his determination to be able to protect the Gremory Peerage.

Rias: So when she saw it, she called the police and the bastards were arrested, he passed out afterwards and we took him to the hospital.

He essentially forced his participation in the rating game when I didn't want him to.

Grayfia was squeezing Artemis' hand tightly as he had a bit of a panic attack reliving that night.

Grayfia: Artemis, calm down. They won't get to you.

Sirzechs: You're with us now, son.

Artemis calmed down as he heard the words of reassurance from his parents. Afterwards, he passed out once again.

Venelana: He's out cold once again .

Zeoticus: I say he needs to rest. We'll need to tell Millicas about it.

A doctor soon entered the room.

Doctor: Lord & Lady Gremory, Lord Lucifer, Lady Lucifuge, Lady Gremory.

Sirzechs: No need to bow doctor, what do the results say?

Doctor: Lord Artemis had suffered a lot of injuries. 2nd degree burns, several fractures, several broken bones at times, partial ACL tears on both knees. Facial fractures as well, he lost his hearing partially on his left ear, so he'd need a hearing aid to assist him on that end.

Sirzechs: I'm sure that's not all is it?

Doctor: Unfortunately, not. we're still waiting on CAT & MRI scans now.

Sirzechs: Thank you, doctor.

TS - 2 Days later.

Afterwards, Artemis was released from the hospital, from which he met his little brother, who cried at.

Grayfia: Alright, Artemis, you've got someone to meet.

Artemis: Who would it be, mom?

Millicas: Onii-sama!

Artemis: Wha-What?!

Sirzechs: You're an older brother, Artemis.

Artemis started tearing up. As Millicas hugged him tightly, it did give him a bit of pain, but he endured it.

Millicas: Nii-san, why are you crying?

Artemis: No, Millicas, I'm just so happy to meet you. These are tears of joy.

They hugged where they stood in silence as they embraced the moment.

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