Season 3 Chapter 5 - Alliances & Debrief

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As Serafall, Sirzechs and Grayfia arrived in Kyoto, they taken aback to find Azazel, the ORC & StuCo already there, so they decided to figure out what was going on.

Sirzechs: Queen Yasaka ,thank you for having us.

Yasaka: No the pleasure is mine Lord Lucifer, especially after what your son and his group went through to rescue me

Grayfia raised an eyebrow at Artemis signalling what is she talking about.

Artemis: Mom ,Dad, Big Sis, you might wanna take a seat to hear what happened.

Artemis then explained the events that took place in Kyoto including the abduction of Yasaka , the Youkai being paranoid and the Hero Faction attacking them, they spared no details as well including the fight and Artemis using the Juggernaut Drive.

Serafall: That is concerning, the Khaos Brigade huh, what is it?

Artemis: Allow my new Knight, Jeanne to explain who they are, she was in the Hero Faction for all the right reasons ,just grouped with the wrong people though.

Jeanne then explained what the Khaos Brigade was which is a group of Factions under Ophis created with the goal of her beating Great-Red and evicting him out of the dimensional gap, but it seems the factions in the Brigade have their own goal.

Jeanne: The factions I know of which are in the Brigade, include the afformentioned Hero Faction, Old Maou Faction, there was a fallen angel Faction in there but I do not know where it went.

Azazel: Seems like it crumbled when Artemis and the others beat Kokabiel in Kuoh.

????: My I was wondering what was going on when I felt strong Demonic and Angelic Presences near you Yasaka, turns out its the Governor-General of the Fallen Angels and the Devil Kings Lucifer and Leviathan with Lucifer's Queen.

Yasaka: Lady Amaterasu!

Yasaka stood up and bowed before the Queen of the Shinto Gods, Artemis and Irina both being raised in Japan and knowing her significance stood and bowed as well.

Amaterasu: Please be at ease, I only came to see what was going on.

????: Wow, both Irina and Ise have grown well .

I & A: HUH???

????: Don't you two recognise me? Though it would make sense, I haven't seen any of you in 12 years.

I & A: Wait???? Baa-chan?????!!!!!

The Duo's eyes widened seeing Fumiko Hyoudou in Kyoto.

Fumiko: It's been a while my Grandchildren *smiling*

Amaterasu: They are your grandchildren ?

Even Yasaka was taken aback by the revelation.

Fumiko: Yes, though I hadn't seen either of them for years now, Irina and her family had moved away to England whilst Ise had just stopped coming suddenly some odd reason.

Artemis: There is a reason for that Baa-chan and for worse I don't go by Issei or Ise anymore.

Fumiko: What! I wonder what happened?

Artemis: I can tell you after we debriefed on what happened today.

Fumiko: I see.

Everyone took a seat and the debrief continued.

Sirzechs: So what happened here?

Artemis: Basically as you know we were here for a five day excursionary trip, we were seeing the sights of the city when at first we had a bit of an altercation with Princess Kunou, we managed to get that bit sorted out, then we found out that the abductors of Her Majesty had a Longinus wielder, to which we found out it was a High Tier Gear, Dimension Lost, and they were part of the Hero Faction. After that we set off searching for the Queen to which we found her at Lady Amaterasu's main Shrine to the South, where they attempted to use her to summon Great-Red.

Everyone who wasn't in the know looked shocked about the attempt to summon the Dragon of Dreams.

Artemis(cont): We had a fight there, that's how we also came across Jeanne, she was the only one to be against this plan, and so she was captured. That who Faction had Gear Users with 3 of them being Longinus wielders. I took on the leader who had the strongest of them.

Serafall: The True Longinus Spear right?

Artemis: Correct. That spear was fired at me first ,I was able to catch it but it burned my right hand as I retaliated with a throw of my own. So the leader and I faced off with him being a descendant of a hero, Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms of if I can guess ,it's China. We had a battle in which I unlocked promotions using my Balance Breaker Armour, right now I have Knight, Rook & Bishop. Queen I haven't unlocked yet. I ended up taking his eye sight on his right eye to which he dropped the spear, it was at this point the Queen transformed.

Yasaka: I had transformed into my Fox Form at 50Ft tall.

Artemis: Cao Cao and his cronies ran away leaving Jeanne to die, that's when I used that.

Sirzechs: What do- you don't mean?

Grayfia: Artemis, you didn't!!!

Amaterasu: What do you mean by that?

Azazel: The Juggernaut Drive. But some how a miracle occurred, he was able to use the complete drive which was fueled by his magic more than his life force.

Amaterasu turned white at the mention of the Juggernaut Drive

Irina: I'm still miffed about that move.

Fumiko: I must say that was brave but stupid in its own right to use the Drive

Amaterasu: And what happened after that?

Artemis: I used Half-Dimension to cut down Queen Yasaka's power heavily without hurting her much, and she was able to bring her back to her normal form.  But after that something else happened.

Amaterasu: What else happened?

Artemis: Albion if you may.

Albion: Spear!

At that point Artemis took out the True Longinus Spear, shocking the room.

Sirzechs: How??!!

Serafall: That is impossible!

Amaterasu: I must agree with the Leviathan, how is it you were able to wield the strongest Sacred Gear, one of the Christian Holy Relics.

Artemis: It seems like when Cao Cao tried retrieving the spear, it saw his convictions and motivations to which it rejected him and he had to leave it, it was about to disappear when I took ownership of it, though it did burn my hands and arms badly ,when it saw my convictions and motivations, it resonated with me and I took it.

Amaterasu: Well wasn't that an interesting tale.

Sirzechs: Indeed, the reason we were actually here was to discuss having an alliance with the Youkai and Shinto Factions, but it seems the ground work had been laid by Artemis and the Kuoh Academy group here.

Serafall: Yes indeed. Lady Amaterasu, Queen Yasaka ,do you have any objections to an alliance with the Biblical Factions.

Yasaka: We have none ,Lady Serafall.

Amaterasu: It's important for us to form alliances especially if we are to combat the Khaos Brigade.

Azazel: I should inform the Cadres at Grigori of this development, I'll also inform the Seraphs about this.

Artemis: Baa-chan, I think I have a lot to tell you, can we head outside.

Fumiko: Of course let's go.

Artemis: Iri ,you coming?

Irina: Of course.

Artemis: Please excuse us.

Artemis, Irina and Fumiko went outside to discuss what has happened.

Amaterasu: I wonder what has happened for him to forsake his name.

Sirzechs: A lot Lady Amaterasu, he's infact our lost son .

Yasaka: I can tell, his hair though a different colour shows its similarity to yours Lord Lucifer, while his expressions, as stoic as your Queen, Lady Lucifuge. If we could also know what had happened to him .

Grayfia: It's a long story.

Yasaka: We have time, I'll have them prepare tea for us.

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