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Sophia's Pov-

It was midnight, but i couldn't sleep. My mind raced with thoughts of the upcoming days. The date for my marriage to Asher had already been decided by our parents, without even considering my opinion. I hadn't even had a chance to talk to Asher about it. My mom knew that if I did, I would do everything in my power to cancel the marriage. She made sure that didn't happen.

Feeling restless, I got out of bed and went to the balcony. The cold breeze brushed against my skin as I gazed at the beautiful sight of the stars and the moon. The weather was clear, and every star seemed to twinkle brightly.

My mind couldn't help but wander to that one person who didn't seem to care about me anymore. We used to stargaze together, and the memories made me chuckle sadly. I wondered what he was doing now. Had he moved on? Did he have a girlfriend or wife already? These questions haunted me every night.

In that moment, I wished he was here with me. Maybe then I could find the strength to put a stop to this marriage. I unlocked my phone and dialed his number, something I had done many times before but never had the courage to press the call button. But this time, I actually pressed the call button.

After three rings, the call was answered. I waited anxiously for the voice on the other end to speak first

"Hello" I heard a female voice. It could have been his sister, mother, or a friend.

"Hi... can I talk to Carter Smith?" I asked.

"Yes, but first, can you tell me who you are?" she inquired.

That question stopped me in my tracks. Who was I to him? His ex? Just a part of his past? "A friend" I replied.

"Ohh you can call him in the morning or if it's really something important then you can tell me. I'm his wife" these words really shocked me. I immediately cut the call.

A wife already? While it was hard for me to move on. I was feeling hurt, dissappointed, heartbroken and angry. He really was a jerk. Tear were streaming down from my eyes without me knowing.


Next morning_

I walked over to the dining table where my parents were seated. I had no appetite and didn't feel like having breakfast, but I knew I had to eat. Skipping it would only worry my parents.

As I approached, my mom gasped when she saw my swollen eyes. "Sophia, what happened to your eyes?" she asked, concern filling her voice. I took a seat across from her and replied, "I didn't get much sleep last night." Samantha, our maid, served me breakfast.

"You need to take care of yourself, especially since you're getting married next month," my dad chimed in, a smile spreading across his face. They were both excited about my wedding.

"Mom," I began, catching her attention. "Yes, dear?" she replied. "I want to get married next week." Their expression turned to shocked as if I had just dropped a bomb on them.

"Next week? That's too soon," my mom protested. I reminded her, "But you wanted me to get married early too." There was a moment of silence as they processed my request.

"We need time to prepare. There are so many things we have to do for marriage. We didn't have enough time already and next week is too soon"

"I made up my mind. But marriage should be happen in next week"

"But..." my mom started, unsure of what to say. "Next week or never," I said coldly. She let out a sigh and reluctantly agreed, "Okay, I'll talk to Asher's parents. But remember, you can't change your decision now."

I nodded. "Okay," I replied, secretly thinking that getting married as soon as possible would allow me to divorce him after a year.

Short chapter;)

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