Part 3: Get a medal is a hero's violent-scary duty

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"I've never been more serious about anything in my life," Ralph stated as he sat in Tapper's. "That's why I came straight here, Tapper. You've never given me a bum steer. Now, come on. Where can a guy like me go and win a medal?"

Tapper is from the arcade games Tapper and Root Beer Tapper. Tapper is a stocky little man with short brown hair and a handlebar mustache. He has rosy cheeks, large, blue eyes, and a large, pinkish nose. He wears a blue vest over a white shirt with a high collar, accented by a red bowtie. His trousers are a deep reddish-brown.

Tappers was a popular hangout spot for characters. Enjoying a couple of drinks after a long day of working.

"I don't think such a game exists, Ralph," Tapper said as he cleaned a glass.

"Oh, come on. You know people," Ralph said. "There's got to be..."

A male customer cut off Ralph by calling Tapper over for a root beer. Tapper put a quick pause in the conversation as he went to serve the customers their drinks. Ralph annoyingly waited as Tapper did his job. Tapper whipped his hands as he sighed a good job done and went back to Ralph to continue hearing him.

"Okay, as you were saying," Tapper said.

"I was saying, I can't spend another 30 years living alone in the garbage. I'm not going back without a medal," Ralph stated.

"Well, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe somebody left a medal here. You're welcomed to dig through the lost and found," Tapper offered as he whipped the counter.

Ralph figured it was worth a shot and went to check the lost and found. He puts his hand inside and a roach crawls onto his hand. He flicks it away as he goes to dig through the lost and found. He found one of Super Mario's mushrooms. A Mental Gear exclamation mark. And a pair of Zangief's underwear which disgusts him. He then slouches as he comes to terms that he won't be able to get a medal. A big guy wearing a suit of armor walks past him, bumping into him, catching his attention.

"Hey! Excuse you," Ralph said, annoyed as the man ignored him.

The man mumbles to himself as he walks into the wall. This concerns Ralph as he approaches the man.

"Uh... You okay there, space cadet," Ralph asked.

He tapped the man's shoulder which caused the man to turn around and grab Ralph by the shoulders.

"We've only been plugged in a week! And every day it's climb the building. Then fight bugs. Climb the building, fight more bugs!"

The man begins to cry and falls onto Ralph's chest.

"Yeah, yeah. Right. Look," Ralph said as he pushed the man off him and fixed his outfit. "Easy on the overalls, spaceman. It's tough all over, all right?"

Ralph then began to walk away from the upset armored man.

"And all for what? A lousy medal," the man whined tiredly.

The mention of the medal made Ralph stop in his tracks.

"Medal? You get a medal," Ralph asked as he looked back at the man.

"Yeah, Medal of Heroes," the man said.

"Ooh. Is it Shiny," Ralph asked.

"Uh... It's pretty shiny," the man said, a bit unsure.

"Ooh! And it says 'hero' on it," Ralph asked as he slowly approached the man.

"Uh-huh. Oh, yeah," the man confirmed.

"And you say you win it by climbing a building," Ralph asked.

"And fighting bugs," the man exclaimed.

"Right, bugs," Ralph said, brushing off that fact. "Listen, is there any chance I could go with you to your game and you know, maybe get one of those medals?"

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