Part 13: Sugar Rush race

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At the starting line of the track, fanfares go off as the soda fountain turns on and a blimp shows 'Sugar Rush' in big letters. The crowd started to cheer as everything was fixed and the race was about to start as some marshmallows were swiping the starting line. The racers were in their karts, getting ready to race. Revving up their engines, fixing their mirrors or just eyeing the competition.

Taffyta looked around, unimpressed by the competition when she looked to her right and was shocked. She saw (Name) with a serious look on her face as opposed to her more relaxed or happy expressions.

"Well, well, look who's offly quiet," Taffyta taunted.

(Name) glanced at her but didn't say anything.

"I heard what happened to your little boyfriend. I tried to warn you but you don't listen to me," Taffyta said.

"Shut up Tafftya," (Name) said softly, upset.

"Oh? Looks who got some spice to them now," Taffyta taunted.

"Hope you can back those insults on the track," (Name) said.

"Please? You've never been able to beat me before. What makes you think you can now," Taffyta asked.

"Because I wasn't trying back then," (Name) stated.

Taffyta scoffed as she thought this challenge should be fun. But (Name) simply wanted to race to take out the emotions she was feeling.

Once the starting line was clean, one of the marshmallows turned on the jumbotron and all the racers showed except for Danny. Due to his kart not being on the track an X along with a 'No Show' was blinking over his name along with where he originally had his kart.

"My sweet subjects, I can without a pinch of hesitation assure you that I have never been so happy in all my life to say the following words," King Candy said over the PA. "Let the Random Roster Race commence!"

King Candy pulled a red rope and a slide appeared at the edge of his stand. He goes down the slide and lands inside his kart. He puts on his goggles. A marshmallow holds a stop light to get the racers ready.




With the green light, it was time for the race to start and the racers were off. The jumbotron showed the crowd live feed of the race.

The racetrack starts with a long straightaway that passes a town area and continues until the approach of Gumball Gorge. Gumball Gorge is the first area in the Random Roster Race. It's a deep raceway in a canyon of giant gumball machines which release gumballs trying to smash the racers' karts. In order to avoid them, the racers must swerve left to right or right to left. Cakeway is the second area in the Random Roster Race. It's a layer-cake decorated with icing and cherries. Racers must make their way up the layer-cake and make a huge jump to the next part of the track.

As the crowd watched the race, Danny was driving up with Ralph and the Fix-it sibling on the back of the kart.

"Okay, remember, you don't have to win. Just cross that finish line, and you'll be a real racer," Ralph informed Danny.

"I'm already a real racer," Danny stated.

They make it to the track and Ralph gets off with the Siblings.

"And I'm gonna win," Danny stated.

He starts his kart again and drives off. He drives over the blinking X, allowing his icon on the Jumbotron to be valid.

Back with the other racers, the were driving with were navigating through the gum balls but some did get hit by them. Others got some of the power ups on the track and used it to get other racers out. All being broad casted on the jumbotron for the crowd to see and the announcer to make some puns.

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