Part 8: Interrogation turned to alliance

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Per King Candy's order, the cops bring the taffy creature to his castle. The exterior of the castle is magnificent and a dazzling white, Pearline color. It seems to be made of frosted shortbread, and the rising towers appear to be topped with merengues. At the front of the castle, there is a tall, ornate archway. The castle sits on a wooded unicorn-pop hillside, and is accessible only by passing a long, cookie wafer bridge, which leads to the castle's front door. This bridge spans over a great valley surrounded by candy-glazed hills. There were also Oreo's guards standing by.

The interior of King Candy's castle is made of pink ribbon-like candy. The throne room has a high ceiling and stained glass windows that can only be assumed to be made of hard candy.

Wynnchel and Duncan roll in the creature whose mouth was now stuck shot. King Candy drives into the room and goes around them before parking his cart against his throne where it fits perfectly.

"Sour Bill, de-taffify this monster so we can see what we're up against here," King Candy ordered as he got out of his kart and walked over to the creature.

Sour Bill walks over and climbs on the cupcake so he is next to the creature's face. The creature tries to move its head away but Sour Bill just rips the taffy off its head. The creature is relieved to be Ralph who screamed in pain from the taffy being ripped off his face.

"Milk my duds! It's Wreck-It-Ralph," King Candy said, surprised.

"Yeah. Who are you, the guy that makes the donuts," Ralph asked.

Ralph's comment makes King Candy laugh. "Please. No. I'm King Candy."

"I see you're a fan of pink," Ralph commented as he looked around the throne room.

"Salmon. Salmon," King Candy instead. "That's obviously Salm...What are you doing here?"

"Look, Your Candiness, this is just a big misunderstanding," Ralph stated. "Just get me out of this cupcake, I'll get my medal and I'll be out of your way."

"Your medal," King Candy asked, amused. He laughed. "Bad guys don't win medals."

"Well, this one did. I won it over in Hero's Duty," Ralph confessed.

"You game-jumped," King Candy asked, shocked by Ralph's confession. "Ralph." He then gets worried. "You're not going Turbo, are you?"

"What? No, no," Ralph reassured.

"Because if you think you can come in here to my kingdom and take over my game, you've got another thing coming," King Candy said, getting defensive as some oreo guards came into the room and put their spears at Ralph.

"Easy, Your puffiness. It's not my fault some of your children of the candy corn stole my medal," Ralph said, getting annoyed.

"'Children of the candy corn'," King Candy said confused. "Who'd..." But after a second of thinking he realized what happened. "The Glitch! The coin he used to buy his way into the race. That was your medal?"

"He did what? I need that back," Ralph stated.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't help you. It's gone, you know. It's nothing but code now. And it'll stay that way until someone wins the cup at the end of the race," King Candy stated as he walked up to Ralph.

"Well maybe I'll have to have a little talk with the winner then," Ralph stated.

"Is that a threat I smell," King Candy asked as he got up in Ralph's face. Though he then immediately backed away as he smelled Ralph's breath. "Beyond the halitosis you so obviously suffer from."

"Listen, Nilly-Wafer, I'm not leaving without my medal," Ralph stated, deadly serious.

"Yes, you are," King Candy stated before walking away and the oreo guards disappeared. "Wynnchel, Duncan, get him out of that cupcake and on the first train back home." He then turns to face Ralph. "And if I ever see you here again, Wreck-It-Ralph, I'll lock you in my Fungeon."

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