Part 9: Group fun

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Calhoun and the Fix-it siblings made it to Sugar Rush and found the trail left by Ralph's escape pod. All the broken candy and the new canal in the middle of the ground.

"Well, I'll say this much, they don't call your friend 'Wreck-It' for nothing," Calhoun commented. They get closer to the edge where the destroyed pod was still crashed. "There's the shuttle."

Calhoun stops the cruiser right behind the shuttle. Y/n lets go of his leg as he jumps down as she and Felix stay in the cruiser. Calhoun took out his gun and carefully approached the shuttle. He points his gun inside as he scopes the shuttle.

"Is he in there," Felix asked.

"Nope," Calhoun said as he put his gun away and the siblings approached him. "Lucky for him. Otherwise I would have slapped his corpse."

The three of them look inside to see nothing inside. Calhoun's comment made the siblings raise a brow as it was a bit out of nowhere.

"No Cy-Bug either. Got to find it before it lays its filthy eggs," Calhoun said.

He walked away as he took out his senor to try to track the Cy-Bug. The siblings follow him as they follow the trail of broken candy inside the forest.

"It came this way but the sugar particles in the atmosphere are jamming my sensor. Can't get a read on it," Calhoun said, annoyed that his sensor was acting up. "So what is it with this Wreck-It-joker, huh? Why did he go AWOL?"

"I wish we knew, sir. He was acting all squirrely last night...Going on about cake and medals.," Felix said.

"But I never would have imagined that he'd go Turbo," y/n said.

"Go Turbo," Calhoun repeated, a bit confused.

"Oh right. You guys just got plugged in. Well, back when the arcade first opened, Turbo Time was by far that most popular game. And Turbo...Well, he loved the attention. So, when Road Blasters got plugged in and stole Turbo's thunder...Jealous was an understatement for what he felt. He abandoned his game and tried to take over the new one. And naturally that didn't turn out well. Turbo ended up putting both games and himself out of order, for good," y/n explained.

The trio made it to a cavern. So they used a double-striped yellow and purple candy-tree to cross with some vines dangling.

"Yes, the selfish man is like a mangy dog chasing a cautionary tale," Calhoun commented.

"I know, right," Felix agreed.

"Which is why we need to get Ralph back home before the same thing happens to our game," y/n said, worried.

Suddenly the branch starts to glow and beep, causing them to stop as they aren't sure what is happening. Suddenly the branch disappears and they fall into the cavern below. They grunted as they landed into a powder of some kind.

"What is this," Calhoun asked. He then stopped a sign that read 'Danger Nesquik-sand'. "Nesquik Sand?"

"Quicksand," y/n asked as she got nervous.

Felix sees his baby sister's nervous state and tries to think of a way to get her out. He then looks up and sees the vines.

"Oh, I'll hop out and grab one of those vines," Felix said.

But when he tried to jump, he couldn't. He tries again a couple of times but to no avail.

"I can't hop. I'm hop-less. This is hopeless," Felix said as he started to panic. "We're going to drown here."

"Are we really gonna die," y/n asked as she started to hyperventilate as Felix was squirming around.

Calhoun obviously noticed the panic state of the siblings. Seeing her older brother, panicking was making y/n panic to where she was starting to have a panic attack. But if that wasn't bad enough, Felix's squirming around was causing them to sink faster.

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