Part 14: Embrace who you are

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Danny and (Name) continue to drive as it was just a clear shot to the finish line.

"Bring it home, kids! The finish line is wide open," Ralph yelled.

They stepped on the gas to get there but unfortunately more Cy-Bugs started to shoot out from the floor. They tried to continue driving but the Cy-Bugs kept coming. (Name) gets caught in one of them and crashes into a lollipop field. She was shot out of her kart and stumbled out the floor.

"(NAME)," Danny yelled.

He was then caught into another shot of Cy-Bugs and crashed into the lollipop field.

"No," Ralph yelled.

Ralph and the siblings go to help the kids.

"(Name) are you okay," Danny asked, concerned.

"I'm fine," (Name) reassured.

Ralph came up to him with Felix as y/n helped (Name) stand up.

"Kids! Are you guys okay," Ralph asked.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Let's finish this race," Danny said as he started to move the lollipops out the way.

The boys help Danny as y/n brings (Name) over. There was a roar and she looked to see the Cy-Bugs starting to consume the finish line and the rest of the game.


The boys look at the finish line and are horrified to see the scene in front of them.

"Oh, my land," Felix said.

"Our game," (Name) said softly.

"All right. Come on. We gotta get out of here," Ralph said as he picked up Danny.

"But I didn't cross the finish line," Danny pointed out.

"There is no finish line," Ralph said.

The four of them run to the rainbow brigade that lead to the exit of Sugar Rush to Game Central Station. The rest of the Sugar Rush Civilians were rushing and the siblings helped a few stragglers to the brigade as Ralph took the kids to the exit while Calhoun took care of the Cy-Bugs.

"Ralph, it's not going to work," Danny said.

"We gotta try," Ralph said.

Ralph goes to the exit and a blue beam comes down. Ralph and the other civilians are able to go through no problem but the blue force wasn't allowing Danny. He fell off Ralph's shoulder and onto the floor, right in front of the gate.

"Kid!" "Danny!"

"Ralph, I told you I can't leave the game," Danny said as he put his hands out, showing the invisible blue force not allowing him through.

But (Name) and Ralph weren't going to take that. They tried to pull Danny through. They tried and tired. But no matter how hard they pulled or pushed, the force wasn't allowing Danny through. It was only hurting him.

Danny glitched out of Ralph's and (Name's) grip and they panted as they looked at Danny with sad looks in their eyes.

"It's okay, Ralph," Danny reassured. "Just promise you'll look after (Name) for me."

"I'm not leaving you Danny," (Name) stated.

"(Name) you have to. You'll die if you stay," Danny said.

"It's better than living without you Danny," (Name) stated.

"(Name) please, I can't let you die. You're too important to me. Just please go with Ralph," Danny stated.

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