Part 15: Wreck it Captain & Fixer is a Sugary Rush

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After that all happened, the group reunited. Since Ralph became the hero he wanted and the Cy-Bugs were taken care of, there was only one last thing they had to take care of before the arcade opened.

Ralph and the kids went to retrieve Danny's kart as the siblings fixed the finish line. Ralph placed Danny's kart a little bit before the finish line, and Danny hopped in.

"All fixed," Felix announced as they moved out of the way.

"The big moment of truth," (Name) told Danny.

"Yeah," Danny said, a bit nervous.

"You ready kid," Ralph asked Danny.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Danny said.

Ralph gave the kart a little push, and the kart slowly went over the finish line. Sparkles from under the tires as the finish line starts to blink, confusing/shocking everyone. Danny kart stops on the other side, and the sparkles from the tires go up and form around him, lifting him into the air.

"Whoa. What's with all the magic sparkles," Danny asked.

Danny starts to glow as something starts to form around him. It was a pink, sparkly suit with lacy white gloves. Her gradient pink jacket is noticeably covered in pink, white, and red gumdrops sprinkled everywhere like beads. However, chocolate sprinkles can be seen on the lower end of the jacket. The pants were a darker shade of pink, almost red with little chocolate sprinkle at the end of the legs. He has a flowing light-pink, almost white cloak with a matching dress shirt. The vest has a pattern of candy canes and lollipops. He has a red crown and his hair is combed neatly and properly and is covered in sprinkles that are different shades of pink. With the outfit, Danny owns a pink lollipop scepter with a noticeable crown emblem over it.

After his transformation, he is gently placed on the ground which sends the magic sparkles all across Sugar Rush, restoring it to its form bright-sugary glory. The citizens come back cheering seeing the game is restored and all the characters get this flood of memories. The racers mumbled as they all remembered.

"Now I remember," Sour Bill said as he walked over to Danny, still stuck to a lollipop brunch. "All haul the rightful ruler of Sugar Rush... Prince Danny."

Like the racers, Danny was also shocked to hear this.

"I remember, He's our prince," Taffyta mumbled.

"Oh, that's right," Candlehead mumbled.

"We are so sorry about the way we treated you and the things we said to (Name)," Taffyta said, trying to get Danny's forgiveness.

"Yeah, those were jokes," Ranics said, nervous as he was also hoping for forgiveness.

"I was just doing what Taffyta told me to do," Candlehead cried.

It was clear all the racers, except for (Name) were just hoping and begging for Danny's forgiveness since he wasn't an outcast glitch but actually their prince. Seeing this made Danny smirk as he was almost kind of enjoying this new power.

"Tut-tut. As your merciful prince, I hereby decree that everyone who was ever mean to me and my dearly (Name) shall be," Danny announced in a polish voice as the racer anxiously waited for his decree. "Executed."

This shocked and horrified all the racers as they started to beg for mercy. The siblings, Ralph and Calhoun were watching this whole thing unfold with mixed reactions.

"Oh, my land," Felix said, shocked as Ralph was speechless.

"Oh! This place just got interesting," Calhoun admitted, enjoying Danny's show of power.

Wreck it Captain & Fixer is a Sugary RushWhere stories live. Discover now