Part 11: Tragedy

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In the air, in a newly fixed shuttle, Calhoun flew the shuttle properly as the siblings were standing on the sides of the seat. Felix looked at the control panel, fascinated by all the controls but with his hands behind his back so he didn't touch anything. Meanwhile his sister was memorized by another sight.

Calhoun took a quick glance at her to see she was looking at him with a soft smile, heart eyes and red cheeks.

"Why is your face red? Did you accidentally hit yourself? Do you need to use your hammer," Calhoun asked, a bit confused but concerned.

"Oh no. It's not blunt force trauma. I'm okay," y/n said, a bit embarrassed as she looked away.

"Okay. That's fine," Calhoun said as he turned his attention back to the sky.

Y/n shyly looked back at him. She looked past him to see her brother looking at her with a 'seriously' look. She gets nervous and slightly shrugs her shoulders as she isn't sure what to do. Felix then mouthed 'talk to him' as it was clear his little sister was smitten by the brooding, stronger sergeant in front of them. Y/n takes a breath before looking at Calhoun.

"You know, Calhoun, I got to say...You are one dynamite guy."

She gets embarrassed and cringes a bit at her own words. Her brother gives her a little thumbs up with a painful smile since he also thought that was corny. But Calhoun's eyes widened a bit as his body visibly stiffened. He suddenly screamed as he quickly jerked the shuttle down and quickly landed. He pressed a button to open the shuttle and looked down.


"Get out."

"All she said was--"

"I said get out!"

The siblings flinched at his tone. But nonetheless, they did as he said. Felix frowned a bit as he jumped out.

"I'm sorry," y/n mumbled softly before jumping out.

Calhoun glanced at her before quickly turning his head away. Once both siblings were out, Calhoun closed the shuttle and flew away.

"What a jerk," Felix scoffed.

"I can't believe I did that," y/n said as she covered her face with her hands and looked down. "I'm so stupid!"

"What? No, you're not," Felix reassured, trying to comfort his sister.

Y/n simply groaned as she felt like crying and yelling at the same time. But they didn't have time for that since they needed to find Ralph. Felix sees they were actually near King Candy's castle and figures they can get some answers there. So he simply took his sadden sister's hand and they walked over to the castle.

They made it to the door and Felix used the lollipop knocker on the door as y/n just stayed quiet and looked at the ground. A moment later the door opened.


Though Felix was confused since he didn't see anyone. But he looked down and saw Sour Bill looking up at him.

"We're the Fix-It Siblings, sir from the game Fix-It-Siblings. Have you seen our friend Ralph," Felix asked.

"Wreck-it-Ralph," Sour Bill asked with suspicion in his eyes.

"Yes. Yes, that's him," Felix exclaimed as y/n looked up.

"We should have locked him up when we had the chance," Sour Bill said as he narrowed his eyes at the siblings.

"Lock him up," y/n said confused as Felix was also confused.

"I'm not making the same mistake with you two," Sour Bill said as he reached behind the door.

Before the siblings could react, the doormat behind them opened to reveal it was a trap door, They screamed as they fell into the abyss below.

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