Part 6: S-U-G-A-R Jump into your car cause it's Sugar Rush

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Ralph was finally able to pry the Cy-Bug off him but the Cy-Bug started to grow in size. Ralph tried to keep it back in the cramp space in the pod as it continued to bump against walls. The pod eventually gets to the other side of the tunnel and is met with a land full of bright colors and sugary treats.

The pod flies through the cotton candy clouds, causing some of the sugary cotton to get into the ship's interior. This caused the pod to bust and crash down. It crashes to the caramel ground and gets a cherry stuck on its nose as it slides off the slippery mountain. It then crashed into Candy-Cane Forest and onto the cake floor. It eventually stopped on the edge of the cliff.

Ralph was woozy from the bumpy ride as the Cy-Bug peeked at the control panel. A beeping went off and a second later, Ralph and the Cy-Bug were launched out of the pod. Ralph lands into one of the Candy-Cane trees' branches as the Cy-Bug crashes into the trunk. It falls down into the taffy swamp below and sinks down.

"Sayonara, sucker," Ralph exclaimed, glad to see the bug gone.

Jump in to your racing car
Say sugar rush, sugar rush! (Hey!)

His smile then dropped as he heard music. He then looked down to see in big, sparky-cake letters in the chocolate lake 'Sugar rush'.

"Sugar Rush," Ralph read, a bit confused.

Jump in to your racing car
Say sugar rush, sugar rush! (Hey!)

He gets a good look at the world to see the entire place is candy. There was a white chocolate castle in the distance. And there were currently some go-kart racers currently racing through a cake area with some giant gum balls.

"Oh, no," Ralph groaned when he realized what game he was in. "This is that candy go-kart game over by the Whac-A-Mole." He takes his hand off the branch and wipes his now sticky hand in his shirt. "I gotta get out of here."

He then gasped when he realized something was missing. He looked down to see that in fact, his medal was gone.

"Oh no. My medal," Ralph panicked.

He frantically looks around, trying to find his medal up in the tree. He then looked behind him in a nearby tree to see his medal hanging on the very top branch.

"No, no, no, no, my medal!"

He quickly climbs down the tree and runs over to the other one. Though he stops when he sees that tree has a taffy swamp. But he needs to get his medal. Thankfully, there were some gumdrops floating in the taffy, creating a brigade.

So he used the gum drops to get across. It was a bit hard since the gumdrops weren't the most stable surface, especially for a guy like him and the taffy wasn't a firm ground. But he was able to get across. He did nearly fall on the last one but he maintained his grip on the trunk of the tree, keeping him just above the taffy. He starts to climb up the tree, keeping his focus on the shiny medal at the top.

"Hi Mister."

Ralph was startled by the sudden voices and falls. But he managed to regain his grip.



Ralph looks to his left side to see two kids looking at him. A boy and a girl. The boy has bright green eyes, freckles, and shaggy black hair with candies in it. He also has a teal hoodie with red string and red stitches on it, plain brown pants, and black boots with red bottoms. This was Danny Von Schweetz.

The girl next to him had had a bit more of a traditional candy-themed look. It was inspired by a Jaw-Breaker. Her hair was white as snow with (f/c) tips. Her eyes are different colors with one being red and the other being (e/c). As for her outfit, she wore colorful rainbow-striped leggings, dark-chocolate shade shoes, a light-blue skirt that resembled a candy-cup wrapper and a (f/c) hoodie. This was (Name) Breaker.

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