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Kara sits in her office watching the reporters gather outside her building. "Miss Danvers?" Her assistant calls. "Yes Amanda?" Kara replies. "There's a Miss Lois Lane here to see you for that interview! Should I let her in?" Amanda asked. "Yes send her in! Then cancel my meetings for the remainder of the day!" Kara replies as she sees her door open and her cousin's beta mate walk in. "Hey Lois! How are you doing?" Kara asks. "Probably better than you Miss most eligible bachelorette! Who knew they'd pick you to be National City's most eligible bachelorette alpha! Not to mention the six omegas you have tailing you all the time. But enough about that, let's start the interview should we?" Lois asked. Kara I nodded and began answering her questions.

A few minutes later Lois and Kara shared a quick hug before Lois left. Sighing Kara sank into her chair again and began thinking to herself. 'I've got to talk to Alex about this!' She thought to herself as she stood up grabbed her bag and walked out of the office. "Amanda, I'll be working from home the next couple of days. Due to the recent headlines. Make all my meetings virtual until further notice." Kara stated. "Yes Miss Danvers! Have a good few days." Amanda replied as she watched Kara walk onto her private elevator.

Pulling her phone out she called Alex as she stepped off the elevator and began walking to her private car. "Hey Al? Do you have time to come over for a while, I need some advice." Kara stated. "Sure, but I'll have to bring Kelly with me. If thats ok." Alex replied. "Yea thats fine! Be at my place in ten minutes." Kara stated as hung up and got into her fire engine red t-bird and drove out of the parking garage. Wind wiped through her long blonde hair as she drove down the road that lead to her over the top mansion.

It was a larger than life home with twelve bedrooms and bathrooms, an indoor and outdoor pool, along with lots of other accommodations. She had several personal chefs, maids, butlers, the whole rich person deal. Coming from noting to having this kind of money wasn't easy, but she managed it. She bought her adoptive mother a summer home off the coast of Spain and her sister and her wife had a few houses all over the world as well. Yes indeed Kara Danvers was a well off alpha.

After parking her car in her underground garage she rode her elevator up to the main floor where she walked over to her sofa and kicked off her heels. "Good afternoon Miss Danvers! What can I have the chefs make for dinner tonight?" Her maid asked. "Uh...some kind of pasta dish. No fish though. I'm having my sister and her mate over." Kara stated. The maid nodded once then disappeared. A few minutes later Alex and Kelly were walking in the doors.

"Ok? What's up?" Alex asked as Kelly sat down in a chair. "This!" Kara said pointing to the newspaper in front of her. NATIONAL CITY'S MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELORETTE: KARA DANVERS! AT THE AGE OF 21 SHE'S THE MOST ELIGIBLE ALPHA IN THE WHOLE CITY! NOW THE QUESTION IS WHICH OF THE SIX OMEGA'S WILL SHE CHOOSE? (Story on page 9)

"Well...six? Who are they?" Kelly asked. "Lena, Andrea, Sam, Kate, Sara and Lucy. All omegas, all vying for a chance to have me to mark them as mine. And I have to choose this year. So that'll mean I've got to go on multiple dates with these omegas to choose one of them to spend the rest of my life with. And I'm not sure how to choose." Kara explained. "Just take your time. Get to know them individually. See who is your best match on every level, and who's just in for the money. Knock them off one by one till there's only one left." Alex stated. "That's not a bad idea Alex. You two well be staying here tonight. The guest room is already made up down here. And we're having a pasta dish tonight." Kara added. "No fish right?" Kelly asked. "No Kelly, I made sure my chefs know." Kara said with a chuckle.

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