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A few minutes later both woman sat on a bench near the Eiffel Tower eating their sandwiches. "This has honestly been the best dates of my entire existence." Lena stated. "I'm glad. I'm having a wonderful time too Lena. Did you know when they approached me about this stuff they had two hundred omegas lined up. Most of them were men...but I quickly specified only female omegas. That's when the list grew to almost four hundred. I told them that if I was gonna be a participant in this shit show, then I'd personally select the candidates I'd date." Kara explained. "How did you get down to six?" Len asked. "That's easy. I picked out the omegas I knew I could possibly have a future with. One's that weren't in it for the money or the fame, I knew what I wanted so I carefully picked them out. Not to give you a big head or anything...but I picked you first." Kara replied with a smile.

"Really? I'm flattered Kar. But what made you pick everyone else?" Lena replied with a smile. "Well...Sara was chosen because I knew she'd be the first to flake out. Sam was picked because she like you Lena are easy for me to be myself around even if she is hopelessly in love with Maggie Sawyer. Andrea was picked just because I can tolerate her well enough. Kate was chosen on a whim. And well Lucy...well don't tell anyone this but Lois suggested it because she was sick of seeing her sister with assholes. So I figured I'd add her to the list to be nice. However she was the second one to flake out on me just as we were arriving here actually." Kara explained. "So that means there's only me, Andrea, Sam, and Kate left?" Lena asked and Kara nodded.

After they finished their sandwiches Kara stood up and took Lena by the hand and began walking around the park. "What's on your mind darling?" Kara asked wrapping her arm around Lena's back. "Just thinking." Lena replied. "What about? You know you're bad at keeping things from me." Kara replied. "You're right..." Lena said with sigh. "I was just thinking how whoever the omega you choose is, they're gonna be the most lucky person in the world, while the rest of us sulk in our pajamas eating ice cream." Lena replied.

Kara could only smile as she pictured Lena in pajamas eating ice cream. However in her mind she wasn't sulking. She was cuddling one of their pups as they watched a Disney movie together. "Come on...there's something I want to show you before we go get changed into our next outfit." Kara stated as she pulled Lena towards the center of the tower. Once they were directly in the middle of it Kara pulled Lena flush against her and kissed her passionately.

As they pulled apart Kara continued looking into the emerald eyes of Lena. Kara knew she was in deep with her now. She knew that after this month she'd be faking it with everyone else. The moment was ruined just as her cellphone began ringing in her pocket. "Fuck!" Kara groaned. Lena laughed at the blonde's reaction before stepping back to give her space. "Hello? Yes! I'm in the middle of a date now! This better be good!" She snapped over the phone.

"It is good..I guess depends on how you look at it...It appears Miss Kane has decided to bow out of the running. She was spotted with another alpha at a club last night and they appear to be chummy now. Rumor is that they're a couple. I am sorry Miss Danvers." Her assistant explained. "It's fine! Really, one less person I have to date. Thank you for updating me I'll talk to you as soon as we return to National City." Kara stated before hanging up. "Everything ok?" Lena asked. Shaking her head Kara walked over to her. "Yes everything is just fine. Kate's now dating someone now. So she bowed out. Now...would you like to do something in the mean time? Maybe some shopping? Or some more sight seeing? We have a few hours before we need to be changed and at the opera house." Kara suggested.

"Well there is a museum of art I'd love to go to..." Lena replied. "Let's go then." Kara replied as they walked back towards the suv. A short ride later they were getting out at a large stone building. Hand in hand they walked inside where Kara bought two tickets for them before they began walking through the building. Kara watched Lena's eyes dance over the paintings and photographs that hung on the walls.

They looked at every single piece of artwork twice before they had to leave to get to the jet to change into their evening wear for the opera. Lena was in the bathroom taking her time getting her red dress on. It had a deep plunging neckline with a slit up to her thigh. Kara was in the main compartment of the jet putting the finishing touches on her tuxedo. She always liked to dress to impress. And tonight she wanted to impress Lena Luthor. She swallowed another rut stalling pill with a glass of water and pinned her cuff links in.

She had her back to the bedroom door while she waited for Lena to appear. The sound of the door opening up caused the blonde's heart rate to increase. "Kara?" Lena called softly looking at the back of the blonde. Slowly Kara turned around, her eyes landed on the red dress her mouth dropped open wide. "Like what you see darling?" Lena whispered as she approached her. "Indeed I do! Are you ready?" Kara asked softly.

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