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One week and a day later Lena was feeling better which made her happy and sad at the same time. She was happy that she wasn't sick anymore, yet sad that she wouldn't have all this alone time with Kara. I mean sure she knew that it was only for one month but she didn't intend to have the second week being sick. However here she was getting dressed in her work clothes on a Monday morning. Kara went home last night after she found out Lena was back to normal. They made plans to go out tonight for a movie and dinner, something light so not to over do it for the omega.

Kara was sitting behind her desk going over paperwork when someone knocked on her door. "Yes?" Kara called out. "There's a Miss Rojas's to see you. Should I let her in?" The assistant asked. "Yes!" Kara replied. "Come to drop out too?" Kara asked not looking up from her desk. "No, actually I came here on business." Andrea stated. "Ok! Sit, let's talk!"  Kara replied. "As you know I've begun development on a new branch of my company here. And I thought I'd offer Cat Co a first chance to interview me on the project." Andrea stated. Kara thought for a moment before responding. "When? Where? What times work best? And the interview will be with you...I presume?" Kara asked. "Of course. Next Friday at one I'm available, at my main building in my office. I'll let my secretary know." Andrea stated. "Very well! I'll have my best reporter on it!" Kara replied.

They shook hands just as Kara's phone went off. "Excuse me.." she said as she took the call. "Hello? Oh yes! I'll be there! I'm on my way now!" Kara said ending the call. "I hate to cut this short but I have to be somewhere right now. I'll call you later about the interview." Kara stated as she rushed out the door. Andrea watched her dart past her and smirked to herself. 'By the end of this Kara Danvers...I'll be your omega...' Andrea said to herself as she left the office.

Kara walked off the elevator and straight to the photography department. "James? What's the problem?" Kara asked. "We need you so we can take some photos of you and the last two omega's standing." James stated. "Uh...yea...I'll have them come by my place this weekend. Is that ok for you?" She asked. "Of course!" James stated. "Ok! I'll see you then. Now is there anything else?" Kara asked once more. "No..that's all." James stated. "Good! I have someplace to be!" Kara snapped as she left the room.

It was nearing noon and Kara wanted to surprise Lena with lunch even after a week of taking care of the omega Kara still wanted to take car of her now. Making sure she ate healthy. "I'm off...for lunch." Kara told her assistant as she grabbed her bag and headed back to the elevator. The ride down to the parking garage was short as always and soon enough Kara was in her Tbird heading to get some lunch for herself and Lena. Today it would be something healthy for the omega and something unhealthy for the alpha.

One stop at Noonan's and she was off again. Taking a space in the parking garage Kara headed up the elevator that lead to Lena's office. "Good afternoon Miss Danvers!" Jess greeted "Good afternoon Jess! How's she doing today?" Kara asked. "She seems good. Apparently a week away from work was what she needed. You can go in she's not busy." Jess replied. Kara nodded and strutted through the door. "Kara! I didn't know you were coming today!" Lena exclaimed. "Surprise then darling! Sam? How are things going with and Maggie?" Kara asked. Sam smiled and began talking about how wonderful Maggie was. "But...I'm gonna go now! Enjoy your lunch!" Sam said as she scurried out the door.

"How are you feeling?" Kara asked softly as she sat on the sofa next to Lena. "I'm all better thanks to you. You don't know how much I appreciated you being there. Even if I did complain a lot." Lena replied. Kara took that moment to press a kiss to the omega's lips. "I never minded your complaining one bit darling. Although I need to ask you something, you may not like." Kara replied. "Oh? And what would that be?" Lena asked. "My head of photography James wants to take some photos of myself and you and Andrea this weekend. I've made arrangements for it to happen at my house, then after the photos are done, you and I will go out on a date. If that's ok with you?" Kara explained.

"So....we all have to get our pictures taken together?" Lena asked. "Unfortunately yes...but it'll only take an hour or two..then we can go on a date. Anywhere you like." Kara replied with a smile. Lena leaned into Kara's shoulder and smiled. "Ok...but then I want to go for a drive and just talk, and get seafood somewhere and take lots of pictures of the beach." Lena stated. "Then that's what we shall do. Now eat darling." Kara stated with a smile.

"Kale salad? And you got potstickers...do I get some?" Lena asked pouting at the blonde. Kara sighed and nodded with a grin. "I can't say no to yo Lee." Kara explained. "So does that mean I'll get to know who you're gonna pick at the end of next month?" Lena asked. "Nice try Lee..but no." Kara said putting a potsticker in the brunettes mouth.

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