Infinity Down

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Phantoms flew into the infinities hanger as spartan IV's led by Spartan Jared Millar held the line as Marines got gear ready for Evac.

(Jarad Miller)

(Jarad Miller)

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(Spartan IV)

Miller: We just need to hold them off a little longer-

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Miller: We just need to hold them off a little longer-

A bright blue light appeared and the UNSC AI known as Roland came over the Coms.

Roland: All Unsc Forces left on the Infinity, Slipspace drive has been activated. Engage unexpected slipspace jump procedures!

Miller: Better grab hold of something!

The spartans all hid behind stairs and clung onto railings or anything stable as G's began to pound through the ship. Marines did the same and grunts, brutes, elites and Jackals were flung back into the walls, having their bones being broken.

Roland: Gravity resetting in 3! 2! 1!

All the spartans, Marines and remaining banished that were clinging on for dear life fell to the ground.

Miller: Spartans, let's deal with these final banished forces.

The spartans and Marines searched the ship and eliminated any remaining banished forces. After this was done Miller walked to the bridge.

Miller: Roland, what happened with the slipspace drive?

Roland materialised on the holo desk.

Roland: I have no idea, best guess is that it activated itself

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Roland: I have no idea, best guess is that it activated itself. The slipspace portal dragged a banished Warship and a Banished Corvette in with us but their engines are disabled.

Miller: How long till we exit slipspace?

Roland: About... 12 hours... So I'd suggest getting all the equipment we need on the Pelican's along with personel and have them ready to evacuate just in case.

Miller: Alright... What about the captain?

Roland: He made it off along with Commander Palmer, I think... That Master Chief is dead...

Miller: What?!

Roland brought up the footage of Atriox beating Master Chief down and dropping him out of the Infinity.

Roland: Atriox left for Zeta Halo's Surface immediately after.

Miller sighed.

Miller: I see... Roland... Give the order to prepare for Evac... And tell them we have 12 hours till we are spit out into potentially the middle of nowhere.

Roland: Copy that.

Roland connected to the ships speaker systems and unsc communications.

Roland: Attention all Unsc personnel, prepare to pack your bags for a potential Evac. We've got 12 hours till we exit slipspace.

Roland disconnected from it and Miller sat on one of the crew seats.

Roland: Now we have to wait.

12 hours later

Time: 9PM.

(Y/N)'s POV.

You sat out in the night sky reeling and recovering from your injuries. Your "teammates" would always spar against you in Professor Goodwitch's class along side team RWBY, CRDL and JNPR -Jaune and Pyrhaa.

RWBY actually cared and did the sparring to help you... But your teammates just saw it as a way to make themselves better. Your scroll beeped and you opened it to see a voice message from the team leader, Ember.

Ember: Hey Dumbass, as much as I'd love for your Auraless ass to drop dead you better have a good reason for why you aren't back at the dorms. So you have two choices, come back right now or kill yourse-

The audio was cut out as a massive burst of sound came overhead. You clenched your ears and watched as a massive Flaming ship flew into the distance behind mountain Glenn. You picked up your Kukri and began to run towards on of the Bullhead's in beacon academy and hot wired it where you proceeded to steal it.

You flew towards it and saw smaller ships of an unrecognisable design flying towards it and landing in the giant ship.

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You flew the Bullhead towards it as the Bullhead's anti theft counter-measures kicked in

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You flew the Bullhead towards it as the Bullhead's anti theft counter-measures kicked in. The Bullhead's engines shut off and it began to loose speed, you managed to pull the nose up and glide it into one of the hangers in the giant ship and crash landed.

Man 1: Get a fire extinguisher!

Man 2: On it!

You stepped out of it and lights blinded you.

Man 3: Stay where you are or we will shoot!

Man 4: Inform Miller and Roland.

To be continued...

Rwby X Halo X Male Reader (Infinity Down) Where stories live. Discover now