Capture The Flag

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You ran carrying a pole that had a red flag on it. Rubber bullets flew over head as you got into cover.

(Y/N): Lewis! Where's that cover fire?

A bang was heard and a rubber bullet hit one of the enemy team members in the head.

Lewis: There.

Mayuka crawled as close to you as she can.

Mayuka: Pass me the flag.

You handed it to her and drew your assault rifle.

(Y/N): Any word from Rorke?

Mayuka: He's protecting our flag.

(Y/N): Right.. Go, I'll cover you.

You peaked out of cover and opened fire on the enemy team causing them to get into cover. Mayuka ran back to the base and planted the flag in the base.

Announcer: Round over, Fireteam Reaver is victorious.

You walked back to the base and Lewis gave you a little wave. You walked up to Rorke and you both grabbed eachothers hands and knocked helmets together.

(Gif for reference)

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(Gif for reference)

You then walked up to Mayuka while she held the flag doing a cool pose. You both jumped up and chest bumped.

Miller stood overlooking the match

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Miller stood overlooking the match.

Roland: I think they are ready.

Miller: They just need to fully complete the Corvette simulation with the other four fireteams...

The door opened and a man in an oni uniform walked in.

Man: Miller, I think someone was spying on us.

He pulled up an image of a man.

Man: Some of the Marines spotted him in the mountains looking at the infinity, where they claim to of seen him turn into a bird

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Man: Some of the Marines spotted him in the mountains looking at the infinity, where they claim to of seen him turn into a bird...

Roland: You think they need a syche Eval?

Miller: No... Considering the whole stuff with aura and Semblances this planet has, it's entirely possible.

Man: That's not all, I dug into him. His name is Qrow Branwen. Related to Raven Branwen who is the leader of a bandit group so conveniently named the Branwen tribe.

Miller: Do you think that they are planning to attack us?

Man: No... Qrow here is much more closely tied to Ozpin, the headmaster of beacon.

Miller: Then we might need to expect company... Is that everything?

Man: I also looked into the group... They are situated here.

Man: We could hit them if you want

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Man: We could hit them if you want.

Miller: It could make remnant a bit safer even if it doesn't directly benefit us. But I want Raven alive. Prepare Fireteam Spirit, and Fireteam Reaver.

Roland: Miller, are you sure it's a good idea to send Fireteam Reaver in? They are still cadets.

Miller: Yes, I've seen how they operate and them working along with a Spartan team means that they'll be safe and the operation will be successful.

Roland: I'll inform them.

Roland Hologram deactivated.

Location Beacon

Qrow walked into Ozpins office.

Ozpin: So... Anything else about this ship?

Qrow: Its... Well it's atleast 5km long. With Soldiers guarding it.

Ozpin: Soldiers?

Qrow: Yeah, they appear more effective than the atlas army. Taking down grimm with no casualties whatsoever. They also appear to be making alliance's with the local villages and towns near there and providing protection.

Ozpin: We must proceed with caution... Move too fast and we could end up with another war on our hands. Wouldn't you agree General?

Ozpin turned to his screen to look at General Ironwood.

Ironwood: My army will be ready just incase they begin to cause trouble...

Winter Schnee walked up to General Ironwood and whispered in his ear before leaving.

Ironwood: It would appear that one of their ships is being tracked and heading towards the Ruins of Oniyuri.

Ozpin: What could they want with an old destroyed town?

Qrow's eyes widened.

Qrow: That's where my sisters camp is!

Ozpin: I'll get two of the best Huntsmen teams in training here to go with you Qrow.

Ironwood: I'll prepare two airships and head there aswell. Hopefully negotiate with them.

Ozpin: If they capture Raven, they could find out about Salem...

Qrow: And possibly tell the world causing mass panic.

Qrow ran to the elevator and left as Ironwood disconnected from the call.

Ozpin picked up his scroll.

Ozpin: Glynda, get team RWBY and EMS and have them head to the Bullhead landing bay.

Glynda: Ozpin, what's going on?

Ozpin: That new group here... Could find out about Salem and tell the whole world if they capture Raven Branwen.

Glynda: I'm on it.

Ozpin hung up the call and walked to the elevator and got in it, the elevator door shut with a metallic clang.

To be continued...

Next Chapter: Capture operation.

Will Ozpin, Qrow, Goodwitch, Ironwood, Team RWBY and Team EMS reach the Branwen tribe on time or will they be too late?

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