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You stood in the back of a Pelican troop bay with your odst Armor on and a jetpack on your back. You loaded your battle rifle and flicked the safety on. 19 others stood next to you, shoulder to shoulder.

The commanding office double checked that everyone's gear and spoke.

CO: Rorke, stick in formation and don't go floating off, it'll be a long two hours till you run out of oxygen and I don't want to write a report.

Lewis: Don't worry sir, I'll hold his hand.

The officer walked to the main hatch and opened it to reveal Remnant below and a Banished Corvette across from you all, your breathing getting louder and more erratic.

CO: What's our Motto Helljumpers?!

Group: Feat first into hell!

CO: Go, Go, Go!

Everyone jumped out and activated their jetpack, flying towards the Corvette.

CO: Everyone maintain formation-

A plasma round flew through the air and blew him apart, sending body parts flying everywhere.

ODST 1: Evasive maneuvers!

ODST 2: High Velocity plasma watch out!

Mayuka: (Y/N), Pull back! We need that bomb!

You boosted yourself further and evaded the plasma rounds that flew past you and hit in between a group of ODST's sending them flying in every direction.

Lewis: Ahh! No, no, no-

His com went static as he fell into Remnants atmosphere and burned up.

Rorke: Lewis no!

You slowed your approach and landed on the Hull of the corvette as the final 9 reached you.

Mayuka: I've got the breach tool ready.

ODST 3: On your mark

Mayuka set it on the hull and moved into cover before detonating it. Four ODST's moved in first followed by Rorke, three more ODST's and you and Mayuka. You got in to see two ODST's already lying dead with guts lying on the ground surrounded by dead grunts.

ODST 4: Elite with a swor-

His come went static as it cut him in half and Rorke shot it in the head with a shotgun.

Rorke: Take that you split lip so of a-

A blue ball stuck to his head and exploded, leaving scorched remains where he once stood.

ODST 5: Frag out!

He through a Grenade that exploded and killed the banished that were pinning you all down, but it came with the cost of a skewer spike going through his torsoe and ripping him in half before said Grenade was able to explode.

ODST 6: Move, move engine room is to the left!

You all moved.

Mayuka: Scans show it to be empty!

You all ran into the engine room where the last challenge would surely appear.

(Y/N): Cover me.

You and Mayuka ran up to the reactor as the last three covered the main door.

ODST 6: Hunters!

ODST 7: Close the door lucas!

Lucas: Copy that!

6 and 7 opened fire on the hunters but their bullets did nothing but anger them enough to blow 6 and 7 up with their fuel rod guns. The resulting explosion threw Lucas into the reactors abyse before the door fully shut where he fell and his screaming ended with a crunch.

The doors shut and you and Mayuka were the last ODST's standing.

Mayuka: Looks like this is it...

You finished arming the bomb.

(Y/N): Done. We have 10 minutes but I also connected it to this... A dead man's switch...

You picked up a Magnum from your hip.

Mayuka got her assault rifle armed. But before you both could move several pink needles entered her back and exploded causing her to be reduced to a pink and red mist. You were flung to the ground and your Magnum fell into the reactor but you gripped the dead man's switch in your left hand. You drew your Kukri and stood up, face to face with an elite. The elite snarled and drew his energy sword with a quick slash that cut your left hand off.

(Y/N): Gahhh!

You fell to the ground and the elite moved in to stab you as your amputated left hand opened and the deadman's activated causing the bomb to explode...

You woke up gasping for air and grabbed your left hand as two people ran up to you.

Rorke: You ok?

(Y/N): Yeah... Still haven't gotten use to that stuff yet...

Mayuka: Atleast you aren't feeling extremely swollen, empty and about to vomit all at the same time...

Miller walked in and spoke.

Miller: You all did well today in training. Everyone of you have came a long way in two weeks. Even completing the main objective. Next time spartan Sgt Spectre will join you all. And hopefully this time we will get you all to the Evac. Dismissed.

Miller walked out of the room. You looked up into the observation room to see a spartan standing.

Lewis walked up to you all

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Lewis walked up to you all.

Lewis: should we all head into the village and get some grub?

Rorke: Sure.

Mayuka: I'm down.

(Y/N): Aye, I could do that.

You all walked out of the Virtual simulation room.

Location: Beacon

Ozpin sat in his office as Qrow spoke to him over the Scroll.

Qrow: This strange Oz... I've never seen a ship that big before... And the fact that all these small villages are moving closer to it for protection makes this situation weirder.

Ozpin: I agree... Any word on my Missing student?

Qrow: He's here with other students that went missing/left the academies of their own accord... They seem happier here. Like comrades...

Ozpin: Come back to Vale Qrow... The next few weeks will be spent getting ready to visit and confront these strangers...

Qrow: Copy that Oz...

Qrow hung up and Oz looked out his window where the sun set.

To be continued...

Quick Question, should I make the odst armor that (Y/N), Mayuka, Rorke and Lucas have using the Rakshasa core in Halo Infinite just as visuals?

Rwby X Halo X Male Reader (Infinity Down) Where stories live. Discover now