Welcome To Remnant

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Spartan Miller walked down the hall with a Marine.

Marine: The prisoner has been really compliant. He seems in awe of the Infinity.

Miller: Did you get his name?

Marine: He said his Name is (Y/N) (L/N). He's a student at a place called Beacon Academy.

Miller: Has he said or done anything suspicious?

Marine: No sir. However he did say it would probably be best if we hid our ship incase a Kingdom called Atlas comes for us.

Miller: Kingdom? Is that some sort of joke?

Marine: No sir. He granted us access to this device.

He held up a scroll.

Marine: It has a map of the entire world on it.

Marine: He claims that here would be the best place to set up as a base

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Marine: He claims that here would be the best place to set up as a base.

Marine: He claims that here would be the best place to set up as a base

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Miller: He's being extremely Co-operative...

Marine: He only has one request. To take him with us.

Miller: He's crazy.

Marine: He claimed that his teammate's hate him just because he hasn't got a thing called an "Aura".

Miller and the Marine stopped walking outside of a room.

Marine: He even brought up a voice message on his device to prove it to us.

The Marine brought up the voice message.

Ember: Hey Dumbass, as much as I'd love for your Auraless ass to drop dead you better have a good reason for why you aren't back at the dorms. So you have two choices, come back right now or kill yourself.

A second Male voice came up.

Marcus: And if you do kill yourself make sure its a gory as possible.

Miller: That's enough.

The Marine turned the Voice message off and cut it short.

Miller: Absolutely discussing stuff said to one of their teammates.

Marine: Sir?

Miller: I'll head in and talk to him. See if I can find out where we are. Tell Roland to set course for that place shown on the map.

Marine: Yes Sir.

The Marine walked off and walked into the room he was outside of.

Miller: You are (Y/N) correct?

(Y/N) sat there patiently.

(Y/N): Yep, and you are?

Miller: I'm Jared Miller. Currently the highest ranking crew member on this Vessel. As you have probably pieced together we aren't from around here.

(Y/N): Yep.

Miller: This ship you are on is called the UNSC Infinity. It is a ship capable of space travel.

(Y/N): No way! Really?

Miller: Yes. And I need your full co-operation so tell me. What planet are we on?

(Y/N): A planet called Remnant.

Miller: One of the Marines mentioned a place called Beacon Academy, that where you're from?

(Y/N): No, I'm from the Island of Patch. Beacon is the name of the combat school I study at.

Miller: Combat school?

(Y/N): Yeah, there are four, one for each of the kingdoms. Beacon for Vale, Shade for Vacuo, Haven for Mistral and Atlas Academy for Atlas.

Miller: The Marine who spoke to you before said you suggested moving location to hide from Atlas, why is that?

(Y/N): The General in Atlas holds 2 council seats and loves advancing the Militaries technological might so he would do about anything to get this technology without having to pay for it.

Miller: I see... The Marine also said you wanted to Join us. Why?

(Y/N): My teammates don't care for me... And the teachers over look them beating me up... There's only like 8 people in beacon that treat me... Decently but I couldn't live like that... Not spend 4 years of my life being beat up or told to end myself by my teammates...

Miller: I see... I heard the voice message on your device... I was just wanting to make sure. What about those 8 people you mentioned? And your Family?

(Y/N): I don't have a Family... They died 2 years ago. And those 8 people would be better off not having to worry about me.

Miller: I see... I'll give you a day to think over your decision... You have the freedom to roam the ship in the area's you are authorised to, Lieutenant Murphy will be in in a few hours to tell you where you are and aren't allowed.

Timeskip: 2 days later.

Location: Beacon Academy.

Ruby, Blake, Weiss and Yang sat in their dorm.

Yang: Don't say that. It's not as if he would have took off for good.

Blake: Yang... He would have been back by now if that wasn't the case.

Weiss: Even if he did run off we shouldn't be worrying. He is a capable fighter... He's just holding back...

Yang: No way... Did you just compliment him?

Weiss: No you Dolt! It's obvious with his combat technique.

Ruby: Still we should go out and look for hi-

Ruby's scroll went off and a voice message appeared.

Ruby: Its (Y/N)!

She turned it on.

(Y/N): Hi Ruby... I don't know if you and your team are hearing this... But... I've left beacon. I took some time to consider this and I think it's best for all of us if I left... Before you ask... Its not because of anything you did. Or because of me feeling inadequate. It's because I couldn't live the next 4 years of my life with some douche bag teammates. Good luck... Your friend... (Y/N)...

The message turned off.

Yang: I swear I'm gonna kill Ember, Marcus and Sera... But... That's not what (Y/N) would want...

A shout was heard from another room.

Ember: That stupid Auraless dickhead!

Two weeks later

Location: snowy Mountains North of Mistral.

(Y/N) stood in front of Spartan Miller.

Miller: These next few weeks will be like hell... But if you are serious about joining us. I know you will pull through. Am I understood?

Unknown group: Sir yes sir!

To be continued...

Next chapter: Forging Alliance's

Rwby X Halo X Male Reader (Infinity Down) Where stories live. Discover now