The Searing Fist Of Doisac

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A few weeks earlier...

A Massive brute walked down the steel and red hallway clad in Steel and Gold Chieftain armour next to a Towering elite that stood tall in Field marshal armour that was blue and purple in color.

They both entered the bridge of the Warship known as the Searing First of Doisac. The bridges crew looked up to the Chieftain and Field Marshal and the latter spoke up.

Voro-Lar Lanakree: Any response from the ground team?

Jackal: Spartans wiped them out. No survivors.

The Chieftain growled as the Field Marshal clicked his Jaws off of eachother.

Voro-Lar Lanakree: An unfortunate loss and terrible news that the UNSC appear to have survived. What of our other squad?

Jackal: Mostly Dead as well. This time from weird black creatures with skulls on their face's. One Ungoy returned. Says a woman wants to speak and Negotiate.

The Chieftain spoke up amused.

Rarveus: Negotiate? Haha! We shall "Negotiate" with her then.

Voro-Lar Lanakree: Prepare three Phantoms with our best warriors.

Jackal: It will be done.

A few hours passed and the phantoms approached a dark land, pools of black liquid lying on the ground. Voro-Lar and Rarveus jumped out of a phantom, followed by 2 brute warlords and 2 elite warlords and a pair of hunter bond brothers behind them. The other two phantoms hovered in the sky for if they were needed.

A Woman with pale skin approached them with two men behind her.

A Woman with pale skin approached them with two men behind her

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Woman: So

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Woman: So... You took me up on my offer to negotiate. I thought you all would be smaller.

Rarveus snarled and Voro-Lar put is hand in front of him.

Voro-Lar: Why do you want to negotiate Human?

Woman: Because I believe we could have a mutually beneficial agreement.

Rarveus: Then start talking human or else I will rip your head from it's socket.

Man: Leave Mistress Salem alone!

Salem: Tyrian that's enough. I believe we can work together, after all it seems your people are not fans of those humans that came here with you.

Voro-Lar: Your point being?

Salem: There are many more humans here that will more than likely co-operate with them. I suggest we work together and destroy both sides. I can offer a safe location here to set up your main base.

Voro-Lar and Rarveus walked back and spoke to each other. After a few seconds Voro-Lar walked back.

Voro-Lar: We accept your offer. In return we shall prepare to attack for when the time is right.

Salem: Very well. Follow me and I will tell you everything about this world that I know.

Salem, Tyrian and the other Man with them up to a massive door as Rarveus whispered to Voro-Lar.

Rarveus: She sounds too much like that created abomination, Cortana.

Voro-Lar: Unlike Cortana I am certain we can trust her.

The Brute and Elite walked up and followed them.

To be continued...

Rwby X Halo X Male Reader (Infinity Down) Where stories live. Discover now