Forging Alliances

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Two weeks ago

The Infinity reached the snowy mountains north of Mistral and landed between them, hidden. Miller walked up to the bridge where Roland stood on the holo desk.

Roland: Spartan Miller, there is a transmission I intercepted close to here. You might like to hear it.

Miller: Go ahead.

Roland played the transmission.

Man: Someone, help us... Please. Some alien things are attacking our Town and the local Huntsmen fled because it's too dangerous! Please! Anyone, help-

Miller: How long ago did you intercept it?

Roland: 10 Minutes ago.

Miller: Have Fireteam copperhead ready I'm heading down with them.

Roland: Will do.

Roland's hologram deactivated and Miller made his way to the main hanger where four spartan IV's stood waiting.

Copperhead-1: Fireteam Copperhead reporting for duty.

Miller: Let's go spartans, Roland's already informed you all?

Copperhead-1: Yes Sir.

All five spartans boarded a Pelican.

Miller: Then let's save some civilians.

The Pelican door shut and it departed. From the sidelines (Y/N) stood and watched with Marine Lieutenant Murphy.

(Y/N): Where are they going?

Murphy: To save some civilians. Maybe even create some allies...

The Pelican flew through the dark night as the small town came into view. A blue burst could be seen followed by red bursts of plasma. Four brutes rampage through the town causing mayhem and destruction on the population. One held a gravity hammer in his hand.

Copperhead-1: On your call Sir.

Miller: Let's do this.

All five Spartan jumped out of the Pelican and flew down and landed in the middle of the town.

Brute Chieftain: Spartans!

The brutes stopped hunting the civilians and began to circle Miller and fireteam copperhead. The five spartans rushed into action and opened fire on the brutes. Miller and Copperhead-1 went straight for the chieftain as the brute Minors got gunned down.

Miller tackled the chieftain as Copperhead-1 drew his knife and climbed on its back and began to stab it repeatedly in the head, the Chieftain raised its left arm and elbowed Miller in the back, causing him to fall to the ground, the chieftain then reached behind it and grabbed copperhead-1 and slammed him into the ground.

While the chieftain did this, Miller got up again and drew his Magnum and shot the chieftain in the head, putting it down for good.

Miller helped copperhead-1 up as the Pelican landed and civilians gathered around.

Man: We had no idea that Atlas operated out here.

Miller: We aren't Atlas. We are spartans of the UNSC. You all are safe now.

Woman: We have nowhere to call home... Those monsters destroyed it all...

Copperhead-1: Those monsters are not of this world, they are the banished. A space capable collection of species.

The civilians looked around.

Man: Space capable? But that's impossible.

Miller: It isn't. Because we in the Unsc are space capable aswell, however our ship has taken heavy damage, therefore leaving us stranded here.

On old man walked up.

Old Man: I know it's alot to ask but... Can we take refuge with you all?

Miller: Of course. We just need to get our transports here.

Man: Thank you, so much.

Miller: We are just doing our duty.

2 weeks Later

(Y/N) stood looking down at the odst helmet where others his age got gear on aswell.

Lewis: Can't wait to help the unsc. Unlike any of the huntsmen or Atlas military they care enough to save us.

A girl with Fox ears walked up.

Mayuka: Hey (Y/N), you said you were a student at beacon didn't you? Why are you here?

(Y/N): Had crappy teammates.

A young dark skinned man walked up.

Rorke: Well, I came here from Shade academy, originally Atlas. The ones at shade constantly called me stuck up and slurs just cause I wanted to have a humbling and hard experience.

He held his hand out.

(Y/N): To being outcasts?

You grabbed his arm in a firm grip.

Rorke: Hell yeah brother, Oohrah!

(Y/N) And the other cadets: Oohrah!

To be continued...

Rwby X Halo X Male Reader (Infinity Down) Where stories live. Discover now