Unprefered Hand

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Ozpin, Qrow, Glynda and Ironwood walked into Ozpins office. Qrow and Ironwood angry at the turn of events.

Qrow: We'll this is just great!

Ozpin: Qrow, that's enough.

Ironwood: They have Raven, Oz... They have the ability to learn about Salem and reveal her existence to the world. We need to do something.

Qrow: For once I agree with you.

Ozpin: And we will, we can offer a peace negotiation... And explain Salem and why she must be kept secret to them.

Ironwood: I highly doubt they will listen Oz!

Ozpin: Its the only choice we have left...

Glynda: Ozpins right, all we can do is negotiate for now.

Location: The Infinity

You walked down the hall with Spartans Miller and Spectre. The three of you stopped outside of a cell door.

(Y/N): Sir, I don't understand, why do you want me here?

Miller: She took you hostage, we want your help to get answers out of her.

(Y/N): Like torturing her?

Spectre: No, giving her a little bit of ONI truth serum. Jeez what is up with you remnant kids and your capacity for violence?

(Y/N): Aren't you a 7 foot killing machine?

Spectre: Tou·​ché.

Miller: Enough, both of you.

The Cell door opened and the security guard gave you a needle.

Guard: Inject it into the wrist.

You picked up the needle and walked up to Raven, she scowled at you, Miller and Spectre as she was strapped to a stretcher.

Raven: You're the brat that broke my nose.

(Y/N): And you're the lady who almost slit my throat.

Miller: We have some questions and you will answer them.

You injected the needle into Raven's wrist.

Miller: Ozpin and Ironwood tried to stop us from capturing you, why?

Raven tried to fight back but spoke.

Raven: They tried to hide... A great evil, a witch who has lived for a long time in this world.

Spectre: This witch... Tell us what you know.

Raven: Her name is Salem, she... She is the creator of the grimm.

Miller: Why didn't Ozpin want us to find out about her?

Raven: Because if you did I could only assume it's because you could tell the whole world and start up a mass panic.

Miller: That's everything we wanted to know. (Y/N), Spectre come on.

You got up and followed Miller and Spectre out of the room as an officer ran up to Miller.

Officer: Miller, we just received a communication from... Beacon academy. It's Ozpin, he's wanting to negotiate with us about the prisoner we just captured.

Miller: If he wants an audience we'll give him one, tell them to follow our Escort craft to a designated landing point, (Y/N), you and your team along side two marine squads shall escort them here. Better to have them follow you since they know you.

(Y/N): Sir. I'll get my team ready sir.

You ran off as Miller spoke to Spectre.

Miller: Spectre, I want you and your team on overwatch.

Spectre: Sir?

Miller: I don't want any surprises.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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