First Year || Chapter 3 || ☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚

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Everyone started freaking out. Most people were screaming, others were grabbing food and stuffing their faces because they weren't done. It seemed that most people had the same idea getting up and trying to leave. Dumbledore had to send several purple firecrackers from his wand before the hall fell silent.

"Prefects will lead their houses back to their dormitories immediately. Everyone is to follow their prefects straight to their common room and do not fray from the path." He yelled across the call.

Harry, Ron and Y/n began to follow the line of Gryffindors back to the common room.

"What about Hermione? Parvati said she was still in the bathrooms crying." Y/n exclaimed.

"So what if she's still there." Ron huffed. She elbowed him in the ribs in response.

"It means that she doesn't know there's a troll in the loose." Harry explained to Ron as he rubbed his side where Y/n elbowed him.

"Let's go find her." Y/n said beginning to walk out of the line of people. "I didn't mean in a few years I meant now guys." The two boys followed her towards the girls bathroom nearest to the charms classroom.

"It's Percy." Ron whispered pulling Harry behind a wall, who then grabbed Y/n as they went.

"Yeah and thanks for thinking of me as well." Y/n whispered back crossing her arms and glaring at him. She peered around the wall they were hiding behind and saw that it was actually Snape there. "Why's he here and not in the dungeons with the teachers?" She asked. The two boys merely shrugged in response. They crept down the hallway as quietly as they could as Snape's footsteps faded.

"He must be heading for the third floor." Harry suggested.

"Can you smell that?" Ron said. The two immediately registered the stench that was entering their noses, and then they heard it. They could hear its footsteps and a low grunting, they noticed something at the end of the corridor, the three of them got up against the wall in an attempt to melt into it so they wouldn't be seen. It was twelve feet tall, it had had a coconut shaped head on its massive body. It carried a wooden club along with it. It stopped at a doorway, looked around and went in.

"We could lock it in the keys there." Harry suggested.

"Wait. Don't do it yet." Y/n said holding out her hand to stop him. They heard a high pitched scream. "Hermione's in there." She said worriedly. Harry pulled open the door and the three of them went in. As Y/n walked in all she saw was Hermione in a corner as the troll advanced towards her. "Confuse it." She told the boys.

"Oi, pea-brain." Ron yelled throwing a metal pipe at it. It hadn't noticed the pipe but it had noticed Ron's voice. It turned around and looked at Ron and Y/n, although it did give Harry time to run around it.

"Run Hermione." Harry said to her as he got to the corner she was in. But she didn't move, she just sat there with her mouth open in shock. The troll started at Y/n and Ron and swinging its club at them. He managed to get Y/n left arm as she moved away from it. She felt it brake and yelled out in pain. That was when Harry made a very, very stupid decision in Y/n's opinion. He jumped onto the troll's neck, the troll didn't seem to notice him at first, until Harry had to go and stick his wand up its nose. The troll began swinging around its club trying to get Harry. Y/n went over to Hermione to help her up while trying not to use her left arm.

"Wingardium Leviosa." She heard Ron yell. Apparently this time he'd actually done the spell well and the troll's club had come out of its hand and was hovering over its head. Y/n took the little bit of spare time to have a look at her left arm. She pulled up her sleeve and looked at her slightly misshapen arm. It was bent slightly the wrong way but it wasn't bleeding and nor were any bones sticking out, so she continued trying to help the best she could. She watched as Ron dropped the club onto the troll's head and it began to sway.

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