Selfish- Part 3

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Seattle, Washington, at the Summit Convention Center, on Sunday, June 16th, 2030 at 7:15 am


I finished zipping up my suitcase as Artemis runs around the room frantically searching for her headphones.

"I know that I brought them into the room," she mumbled to herself as she flopped onto the floor to look under the bed. I laid down on the floor on the opposite side of the bed and lifted up the blanket. I could see her face at the end of the tunnel formed under the bed frame. She chuckled at me and stuck her tongue out.

"Well, they're still not under the bed," Artemis said defeatedly as she got back up. "I guess I'll just buy some new ones at the airport."

Bum, bum bum, bum bum bum bum.

A familiar knock came from the front of the room. I headed over to the door and opened it to see Tyler and Erika standing there with their luggage.

"Ready to go, party people?" Erika asked as she popped her sunglasses down onto her nose.

"Almost. Artemis is recovering from a crisis," I teased as I stepped to the side to let them see the mess that was created during Artemis' hunt. There were pillows and blankets hanging off of her bed, and she still had clothes all over the floor. Her makeup and other toiletries were mostly packed up, but they were still on the bathroom counter.

"Oh, brother. You lose somethin'?" Tyler said as he shook his head at the mess.

Despite Tyler's chaotic clothing and ties, his classroom was perfectly organized. I even had him come and redo all of the books in mine and Lucas' bookshelf in the den because I didn't know how to put them away. They were perfectly sorted by genre, the author's name, and the size and color of the book itself.

Our den looks like it should be in a home design magazine.

"I've already grieved the loss of my headphones and accepted that I'm buying new ones," Artemis said as she tossed some clothes into her suitcase.

"Okay, I cannot watch you pack like that," Tyler hurried into our room and started rolling up Artemis' shirts. Erika and I giggled at them as they bickered over packing strategies.

"Well, it looks like y'all haven't left yet!" Sam called out from the doorway.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. He had on a white t-shirt and blue jeans with a large belt buckle. His shirt fell just right over the top of his chest, accentuating his muscles. Sam was very lean, not nearly as broad in the shoulders as Lucas was. He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame.

"No, because this woman packs like a wild animal." Tyler threw his arms up in the air, holding two large plastic bags with random items in them.

"I offered to pack for her, I swear," I said, looking at Tyler.

"Don't offer next time, just take over, Rach. She's irresponsible!" Tyler pointed at Artemis as he laughed. She was fixing her eyeliner on the bed with a pocket mirror. Sam laughed heartily from the doorway with Erika.

"You definitely need to order some mimosas on the plane, sugar," Artemis stuck her tongue out at Tyler.

"I'm not carrying you through the airport in Houston, Art," I crossed my arms at her. She smiled and put her mirror back in her purse.

"That goes for you, too! I am not drinking by myself again!" I shook my head as Tyler gave me a thumbs up. I heard Sam clear his throat.

"Speaking of that," he began slowly. "Rachel, can I talk to you, please?" It felt like something pulled on my heart when he said my name.

"Tyler, you're in charge," I said as I gave Artemis a teacher's glare. "You better be ready when I come back!"

She waved me off and went to help Tyler pack her belongings. Erika joined them and sat on the edge of my bed.

Sam didn't move immediately when I got to the door. Instead, he looked me up and down before slowly turning out into the hall. I closed the door behind me and felt my breath catch when we made eye contact.

"Good morning, beautiful." Sam shot me a wide smile as he leaned against the wall. I blushed and smiled flirtatiously back at him.

"Hi," is all I managed to get out as I chuckled nervously while looking down at my shoes.

Sam laughed with me as he took a step forward. I glanced up at him, and he was only a few inches away. He analyzed my face, smiling.

"I think that you and I have a few things that we need to figure out." Sam's words were slow and charming, and I couldn't help but smile as I listened to him talk. "I had a lot of fun. Even if we continued our evening, I would still be having this conversation with you." His expression grew slightly more serious as he put his hands on my waist, just above my jacket.

He must be telling me this because he doesn't want me to think it was just going to be a hook-up.

"I don't want you to fly back to Houston, yet," he crooned.

My heart started pounding as I felt his thumbs gently move back and forth against my skin.

"Please stay here in Seattle with me for a few more days," he asked."I will buy you a new ticket home, whenever you want," my jaw dropped slightly. I can't believe he's asking me to stay. I searched his expression, trying to figure out if he was serious or not.

"What are we going to do?" I blurted out nervously.

Sam laughed, immediately easing some of my stress.

"Whatever you wanna do, darlin'. I've been here many times before, but I've never had anyone to really share it with. And sweetheart, I wanna show you everything."

He took a step towards me as he slid his hands around my back. I rested my hands on his chest, and I could feel how toned he was underneath. He was looking at me so sweetly, hoping I was going to say yes.

"Where are we going to stay?" I asked him as I giggled.

He smiled widely, his eyes full of joy.

"I already got us a suite at the Four Seasons," Sam said slyly. I gasped at him and he laughed again. "I don't get a refund, so I'm really banking on you sayin' yes."

He tightened his grip around my waist until I was pressed against him. I slowly slid my hands up his chest and rested them on the sides of his neck.

"I would love to stay in Seattle with you," Sam's eyes lit up and his sly smile turned into an ear-to-ear grin.

"Really?" he said excitedly. I tilted my head up and kissed him on his jaw slowly.

"Yes, Sam. I'll stay for a few more days," Sam closed his mouth and shook his head, still smiling.

"You have no idea how happy you just made this cowboy," he lowered his voice and leaned forward until his nose was just barely touching mine.

He didn't wait to kiss me like he did at the restaurant. He immediately parted my lips with his, moving his hands around on my back gently. I glided my hand up to his cheek and found myself kissing him even more deeply than the night before. Sam matched my tempo, swirling his tongue around mine. He started to pick me up around my waist, but instead he pulled away. He sighed and chuckled frustratedly.

"I almost forgot that we were in the hallway," he whispered. I giggled, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Well, beautiful. What would you like to do first?" he asked me as he brushed some of my hair out of my face and rested his hand on my cheek. I smiled at him and thought for a moment.

"I heard somewhere that I could ride on a giant duck in the water?" Sam let out a loud laugh as he moved his hand from my cheek and down my arm.

"I know just the place," Sam grabbed my hand as we took my luggage to store in his room before we headed out to begin our first full day together.

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