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Hi! So, this is the first rewritten chapter. There's some major changes, especially in Elle's upbringing and character. She is more emotional, jealous, and can sometimes be selfish in the sense of getting what she wants. I didn't want a "good" or "bad" character, just sort of person who would go to dangerous lengths to get what she wanted. More of that will be explored later when she learns about who she really is.

[Jonelle Snow]

"Fuck the North

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"Fuck the North. I want to go with you."

[Joanna Lannister]

[Joanna Lannister]

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"Then we'll go. Just you and me. Forever."


The Wolfswood.

Eighteen years had passed since Eddard Stark rode out to fight in the rebellion after his sister was abducted and his brother strangled himself, reaching for his sword while their father was burned alive, returning home with a bundle of defiance that was overly fond of causing mayhem. A bundle that half the lords and ladies of the north had fallen head over heels in love with the instant they met her, a bundle that had the whole household of Winterfell wrapped around her little finger from the moment she knew how to widen her eyes and make her bottom lip tremble on command.

That bundle was Jonelle Snow.

Oh, she could get anything she wanted from anyone she'd ever met. Especially her lord father. The Lord of Winterfell could never refuse his daughter anything. How Jonelle missed those early years of her life. Now, she was... Well, the disappointment of House Stark, the stain on Eddard Stark's pristine cloak. Though those days were gone forever, the Bastard of Winterfell had never been able to forget them and continuously thought of them during quiet moments.

Many of her memories were surrounded by Lady Stark, some good and some horrible. Growing up, she'd been both the bane and the balm of the lady's existence. Being quite a vigorous child all her life, Jonelle Snow had been quite a handful for Winterfell—the massive, ancient seat of the Starks had seemed too small to contain her. It had warranted many chidings from her father, though the wrinkles around his eyes proved he'd been more amused than angry. That was more the lady's strong suit; Jonelle enjoyed how her face would go red with anger before laughing.

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