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Joanna Lannister.

She'd been awake for a few minutes now, the sunlight leaking in through the open shutters having burned her right in the eyelids, but she kept them shut so that Jonelle wouldn't know. "Gevie," the she-wolf whispered into her ear, those breathtaking lips brushing the shell of Joanna's ear. "Sīr gevie." Every nerve in her body focused on the slender arms wrapped around her. "Avy jorrāelan, issa kēlītsos." Such a beautiful, musical language... One calloused hand resting flat against the lioness' abdomen, the other placed beneath Joanna's head, Jonelle hummed a tune in her ear.

Sometimes—sometimes—Joanna wished she'd paid more attention during Maester Creylen's Valyrian lessons. But it was much too late to bemoan her younger self's peevishness about learning a language she thought would never be worth the effort put into it. Perhaps Jonelle would teach her, murmuring the words along her naked skin whenever the lioness pronounced them properly... She shuddered, and the finger stroking lazily circles on her abdomen halted. An amused smile curled the she-wolf's lips—Joanna could feel it against her earlobe. "I've been had, haven't I?"

"Good morning," Jonelle purred in her ear. "What were you thinking about me doing to you?" It didn't surprise Joanna that the she-wolf knew exactly what sort of thought she'd had. So, the lioness confessed. A raspy chuckle resounded throughout their quarters in Castle Darry, and Joanna reached back to weave her fingers through Elle's hair. "Do that lovely thing with your tongue again and I might consider teaching you High Valyrian."

"Now?" Joanna turned in Elle's arms." What about the servant bringing food?"

The she-wolf kissed her, then murmured, "She already came. It's on the table."

"Then..." She gave her a shy smile. "I suppose there's no one to interrupt us."

When they were finished, Jonelle was flushed and breathless and staring at the ceiling with wide eyes, and Joanna was feeling particularly good about herself as she broke her fast on the simple yet filling breakfast provided.

"Are you going to eat your eggs?" A huff of amused annoyance was followed by a dismissive wave, and Joanna felt a wicked smile curl her lips as she slid over Jonelle's plate of lukewarm eggs. "Thank you." It was only a little longer till the she-wolf stood up from the bed and ran her fingers through her beautiful silver hair. If only to distract herself from that breathtaking, naked body she'd explored every inch of last night, Joanna asked, "What does Gevie mean?"

"Beautiful. Use a softer, more intimate G sound."

"Gevie," Joanna amended, grinning when her wolf nodded at her. Jonelle swayed over to her and sat on the table, an impossibly long leg crossed over the other as she picked a piece of bacon from Joanna's plate. Hard as it was not to reach out and touch the goddess in all her glory before her, Joanna managed. "And... Avy jorrāelan?" A pleased look plastered across her wolf's face, a gleam in her purple eyes. "I think I actually know what that one means."

"Do you, now?"

It had been only three moons, but she'd known after their first kiss in the godswood... "I love you too."

Jonelle bent slightly to press a delicate kiss to Joanna's lips. They didn't speak much after that, but the lioness would never forget the almost euphoric smile that plastered the she-wolf's smile for the entire duration of breakfast.

They left Darry an hour later, Joanna thanking the lord of the castle politely despite how disinterested he seemed that she'd deigned with presenting herself before him. However, he spoke briefly with Jonelle and with far more warmth in his tone than the lioness would have thought of a man who loathed even the families of those who'd sided with stags over dragons during the rebellion, but the she-wolf didn't indulge the red-haired lord much more than a handshake, a saccharine smile, and a curt nod before joining Joanna in offering their farewells to little Lord Lyman Darry.

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