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King's Landing.

Joanna Lannister.

I shivered and pulled the blankets closer around myself, the misty morning light filtering through the golden silk of our pavilion and bathing it in glorious light. Perhaps sensing my discomfort, Jonelle slipped her arms around my waist, as though to keep me warmer with the dragon's blood flowing through her veins, and a quiet laugh escaped my lips.

Beneath the blankets, our legs entwined together, the warmth of her making me sigh. Her heartbeat warmed me, and the kiss she pressed to the top of my head made mine stutter. I'd been awake for a while now, but Jonelle could have been a slumbering dragon. At least she's resting, I thought, drawing slow circles on her hip with my thumb as I stared into that face I loved so much. She really is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Jonelle smiled sleepily as I pressed gentle kisses across her beautiful face—her lips, her cheek, her chin, tenderly on the lobe of her ear and even more lightly on her eyelids. "I love you," I kissed her nose. "I love you so much."

My wolf opened her eyes and peered into mine.

"Vūjigon nyke tolī, ñuha kēlio," Jonelle murmured quietly, her weariness adding to the soft rasp of her voice. (Kiss me more, my lioness.) She'd taught me more High Valyrian, so I could understand the sweet things she would murmur to me as she made love to me—I'd never been more thankful for anything before.

"Ivestragon nyke skoriot, ñuha zokla," I said; my accent was not nearly as fluid and beautiful as Jonelle's, but when a pleased sort of smile curled her lips, I knew it was at a passing level. My love turned on her back, and I crawled over her, straddling her as the blankets fell away and barred us both. (Tell me where, my wolf.)

Jonelle touched her lips. "Kesīr." I kissed her lips softly and smiled when she tilted her head to the side and gestured to her neck. "Se kesīr." Pressing another short kiss to the spot in question, I relished the sound of my wolf's breathing growing a little heavier. "Se kesīr..." My lips wrapped around her hardened nipple, and the groan that tore from those angelic lips urged me to explore more—and I did, exploring to my heart's content and the dulcet moans of my love.

"Ñuha jorrāelagon, ñuha prūmia, ñuha perzys." I kissed my way down her lean stomach, adoring at the quivering that followed every action I made. Her fist tightened around the edge of our pillows, and her back arched when I made my way to her navel. (My love, my heart, my fire.) Make more noise for me, my love, I thought happily at the sound of the sweet pleadings of my wolf—I'd quickly learned that knowing I pleased her brought me great pleasure.

Ghost appeared, a flash of white interruption, and tugged the blanket over my head and Jonelle's body, and just after we were concealed, the tent flap was pulled open. My heart stilled, my lips hovering over the wetness of my love, but for the life of me, I couldn't find the strength not to taste her.

"Arya, sweetling, what are you doing awake so early?" Jonelle asked in a strained voice, giving me a whap on the leg with her foot and clearing her throat when I licked her again, my fingers digging into the soft flesh of her thighs. "I had thought you hated mornings."

"Good morning, Elle," Arya Stark said. "The early bird catches the worm, or so Syrio tells me. Whatever that means. I know you're the mystery knight." Jonelle gasped, but more so because of me slipping a finger inside of her than Arya speaking—thankfully, the young girl understood it as the latter. "No knight would've given me a flower over Sansa."

Poor girl, I thought, feeling suddenly sad. Lying my cheek on Jonelle's thigh, I listened, my heart still racing at the risk of being caught. "Don't you go telling anyone," my love warned, her fingers gripping my wrist under the blanket. "It's a bit selfish of me, but I really want to, erm, sīkudi nopāzmi, ābra. Erm, I want to crown my lady. I can't do that if people figure out the Bleeding Rose is a woman before I've won." (Seven hells, woman.) Grinning, I rewarded my wolf with a kiss on her lips. A shuddering sigh escaped Jonelle before she said, "I'll join you for breakfast soon, Arya."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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